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Application Timeline

Important deadlines need to be met when applying to the KU School of Medicine for the 2025 application cycle. To meet these deadlines for the MD program, work closely with your premedical advisor and follow this timeline.

If you're interested in applying to the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, you'll need to invest time in the application process. The following dates are a general guide for applicants; check with the KU School of Medicine for actual deadlines dependent on your start date.




MCAT administered (For example, the 2025 entering class needs
to take the MCAT by July 13, 2024, for the Early Decision Program and September 14, 2024 for Regular Decision.)


AMCAS application available online


AMCAS application submitted online

+*Aug. 1

Last date to submit AMCAS application for EDP
(July 1 is strongly encouraged for EDP applicants.)

+*Aug. 15

EDP file completion deadline


EDP interviews

Oct. 1

EDP decision notification


Last date to submit AMCAS application for regular decision
(Sept. 1 is strongly encouraged for applicants)

October - January

Regular decision interviews

*Oct. 15

Deadline to submit AMCAS application for MD/PhD Program and completion of MD/PhD application file.

*Nov. 15

Deadline for completion of regular decision application file

January - February

MD/PhD interviews


AMCAS Choose Your Medical School Tool becomes available to accepted applicants.


Regular decision notification

April 15

Per the AAMC's Application and Acceptance Protocols for Applicants, accepted applicants holding more than three acceptances should narrow their offers to three medical schools and withdraw from all other accepted schools.

April 30

AMCAS Choose Your Medical School "Commit to Enroll" option becomes available to all accepted applicants. Making this selection indicates you have withdrawn your application from consideration at all other medical schools to which you have applied, and you are committing to matriculate at the KU School of Medicine.

June 23

All accepted applicants are required to select the "Commit to Enroll" option by this date. Failure to do so will result in withdrawal of your KU School of Medicine acceptance.


Mandatory new student orientation

late July

Classes begin

*To meet the AMCAS deadline, your application must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the deadline date. Official transcripts for regular applicants must be received within 14 calendar days of the application deadline or the next business day if the transcript deadline falls on a weekend or holiday. (Regular applicants are applicants applying to MD programs, not to MD-PhD programs or to the Early Decision Program.)

+* The Early Decision Program deadline for the application and all official transcripts is Aug. 1 or the next business day if Aug. 1 falls on a weekend or holiday.

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
School of Medicine
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160