Xavier Scherschligt

xscherschligt@kumc.eduProfessional Background
I was born in Kansas and grew up in the Overland Park area. I attended the University of
Kansas, where I received a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. During my undergraduate
education, I worked under Dr. Dongkyu Choi in the Cognitive Systems Control Laboratory on
ICARUS, a general intelligence agent. I also headed a collaboration between the University of
Kansas and the KUMC with the help of Dr. Brian Ackley with the goal of using preoperative
MRI’s from patients suffering from Glioblastoma to predict survival time and recurrence.
Kansas, where I received a Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry. During my undergraduate
education, I worked under Dr. Dongkyu Choi in the Cognitive Systems Control Laboratory on
ICARUS, a general intelligence agent. I also headed a collaboration between the University of
Kansas and the KUMC with the help of Dr. Brian Ackley with the goal of using preoperative
MRI’s from patients suffering from Glioblastoma to predict survival time and recurrence.
After graduating, I joined the Precision Neural Dynamics Lab at the KUMC and worked under
Dr. Adam Rouse on a novel spike-sorting algorithm to automatically sort neural data gathered
on non-human primates performing coordinated motor movements. During this time, Dr. Rouse
and I collaborated with Dr. Sherwin Chan and Dr. Keith Feldman at Children's Mercy Hospital in
Kansas City on a machine learning algorithm to predict stenosis in patients who underwent a
liver transplant.
After working under Dr. Rouse for a year, I moved down to Houston, Texas to work at the Texas
Institute for Restorative Neurotechnologies. There, I worked under Dr. Nitin Tandon with patients
undergoing depth electrode placement for intractable epilepsy to understand the neural
underpinnings of language.
Outside of work, I am an avid reader and my favorite genre is Absurdism. I also love music and
listen to everything from metal to jazz. Recently, I have set the expensive and lofty goal of
solving every abstract hand-held puzzle made by the Hanayama puzzle company.