Dana Thalman

dthalman@kumc.eduProfessional Background
I’m originally from Artesia, New Mexico. I attended college at Texas Tech University where I completed a BS in Chemical Engineering and minor in Bioengineering. During the four years I was there, I worked on antimicrobial synergy in Dr. Ted Reid’s Lab. I also had the oportunity to be a part of two summer research experiences. At the University of Queensland, I was in the Capon lab looking at novel antimicrobials. As part of UCSD’s Biomaterials REU, I was in the Mali lab working on part of a project validating the teratoma as a model of human development. I developed an interest in disease modeling and genetics. After graduation I pursued that interest with a post-baccalaureate at the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute of the NIH in the lab of Dr. Joel Moss. There I was looking at the location of TSC1 and TSC2 mutations in the rare diseases LAM and TSC compared to other diseases and cancers.
I am currently pursuing my PhD with the Saadi lab in the cell biology department here at KUMC.
Mentor: Irfan Saadi, Cell Biology & Physiology