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Learn about the great opportunities available for each student who becomes a U-CHaMP ambassador and possibly a U-CHaMP scholar.

U-CHaMP Ambassadors

A program for highly motivated students who want to make a difference in their lives and the community through a health care profession. This program provides mentoring, academic advising and opportunities to learn about health professions and health disparities in the community.


group of women holding fists stackedThe U-CHaMP ambassadors are highly motivated students who want to make a difference in their lives and the community through a health care profession. Students can be enrolled in high school, a community college or a four-year university to qualify.

Benefits of Becoming a U-CHaMP Ambassador

  • Eligible for a scholarship of up to $10,000 annually to be used for educational expenses toward enrollment in a bachelor’s or graduate degree program from the KU School of Health Professions.
  • Receive special mentoring and advising to assure readiness when applying to the School of Health Professions and have an opportunity to complete an early application.
  • Expand leadership skills and participate in shadow experiences with health care providers.
  • Broaden networking skills within the medical community.
  • Enhance resume for future jobs.
  • Gain invaluable experience working with underserved populations and learning about health disparities.

Who Can Be a U-CHaMP Ambassador?

  • Rising juniors and seniors in high school.
  • Health professions degree students.
  • Community college students with an interest in transferring to a four-year pre-health or health professions program.
  • Undergraduate students pursuing health professions careers.
  • Adult non-traditional learners (including military veterans).


To be eligible as a U-CHaMP ambassador, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Demonstrate a strong interest in a health professions field.
  • Currently be enrolled in a high school, community college or a four-year university.
  • Be educationally or economically "disadvantaged" which can be a student who is the first in their immediate family to attend college, a student who graduated from a high school with a high number of free and reduced lunch-eligible students, a student who is from a rural community, the family’s income is below the federal poverty level, as well as many other factors. For questions about eligibility, please contact us.

Ambassador Activities

  • Attend a presentation on preparing a successful application to a program in the School of Health Professions.
  • Connect with academic advisors from health professions programs and financial aid representatives.
  • Mentoring and group support.
  • Shadow experiences with a professional or student mentor in a health care profession.
  • Attend meetings, workshops and seminars on health care topics including disparities in health care access and outcomes.
  • Join group sessions with students and faculty from programs in the School of Health Professions.

Activities may change based on school resources and community resources.

Complete the application form to become a U-CHaMP ambassador. Once completed, program staff will contact applicants to discuss eligibility and upcoming events. If you have questions, please email or call 913-945-8978 (711 TTY).


U-CHaMP Scholars

Once students are admitted into the School of Health Professions, they are eligible to apply for a unique opportunity to become a U-CHaMP scholar. As a scholar, a high level of commitment and engagement is required. Scholars will represent the U-CHaMP program through service opportunities, provide peer support to U-CHaMP ambassadors and demonstrate leadership during all activities. The program's staff, faculty and mentors will support U-CHaMP scholars as they navigate through the program, providing guidance, resources and mentorship opportunities.


woman in clinic working with childAs ambassadors progress in their educational journey and enter a program in the School of Health Professions, they are then eligible to apply for a unique scholarship to become a U-CHaMP scholar. As a scholar, a high level of commitment and engagement is required. Students are not required to be a U-CHaMP ambassador to apply to be a scholar. It is a competitive selection process.

Scholars will represent the U-CHaMP program through service opportunities including health career fairs on campus and in the community, provide peer support to ambassadors and demonstrate leadership during all activities. The program's staff, faculty and mentors will support U-CHaMP scholars as they navigate through the program, providing guidance, resources and mentorship opportunities.

Benefits of Becoming a U-CHaMP Scholar

  • Eligible for a scholarship of up to $10,000 annually to be used for educational expenses toward enrollment in a bachelor’s or graduate degree program from the KU School of Health Professions.
  • Attend seminars or workshops on underserved populations and health disparities.
  • Opportunity to complete an observation or clinical in an underserved community.
  • Broaden networking skills within the medical community and attend U-CHaMP recruitment events.
  • Enhance resume for future employment.
  • Gain invaluable experience working with underserved populations and learning about health disparities.

    Who Can Be a U-CHaMP Scholar?

    Students who are enrolled in a School of Health Professions program at KU Medical Center are eligible if they have a desire to work with underrepresented populations in health care fields and are from an educationally or economically "disadvantaged" background.


    Before applying to be a U-CHaMP scholar, students must meet the following guidelines:

    • Student has been accepted and enrolled into a KU School of Health Professions program.
    • Demonstrate leadership skills and a passion for working with underserved communities.
    • Be educationally or economically "disadvantaged" which can be a student who is the first in their immediate family to attend college, a student who graduated from a high school with a high number of free and reduced lunch-eligible students, a student who is from a rural community, the family’s income is below the federal poverty level, as well as many other factors. For questions about eligibility, please contact us.
    • Students must be a U.S. citizen, non-citizen national, or permanent resident who possesses a visa permitting permanent residence in the United States.

    Scholar Activities

    • Attend meetings, workshops and seminars on health care topics including underserved populations and health disparities.
    • Assist with U-CHaMP ambassadors and recruitment events at KU Medical Center, KU Lawrence campus, and in the community.
    • Attend training on addressing implicit bias and inequality.
    • Serve on student panels.
    • Provide outreach and presentations at school and community events.
    • Provide peer mentorship to U-CHaMP ambassadors.
    • Complete an observation or clinical experience in a rural or underserved location.
    • Participate in a quality improvement or research project.

    Activities may change based on school resources and community resources.

    Application Process

    It is a competitive process to become a U-CHaMP scholar and a high level of commitment is required. Students must complete the U-CHaMP scholars application, provide one letter of support from an academic advisor or instructor, and meet other requirements from the University of Kansas.


    Bachelor’s Prep

    A pre-matriculation program for students in community colleges who aspire to apply and enroll in a bachelor's degree program in the School of Health Professions. Further, students may choose to enroll in a total of nine hours of course credit that count towards a bachelor's degree in their health professions program while enrolled at their community college.

    Bachelor’s Degree Advancement

    An innovative program for students who have matriculated from their community college into a bachelor's degree in the School of Health Professions. Adult and Non-Traditional Students (including Veterans) can remain in their home communities while earning their bachelor’s degree.

    screen showing people in a video conference

    Join us for an informational session!

    Learn about the U-CHaMP program in an informal, online informational session. These are held on the third Monday of each month at 6:30 p.m. central time. You’ll have the opportunity to ask questions and get all the program details including eligibility requirements, time commitment and more.
    Sign Up!
    KU School of Health Professions

    KU School of Health Professions
    KU Medical Center
    3901 Rainbow Blvd
    Mailstop 2007
    Kansas City, KS 66160
    913-588-5235 • 711 TTY