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Learn about the courses you will take during the nuclear medicine technology certificate program at KU Medical Center.

As a student in the program, you will gain the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies to become a nuclear medicine technologist.

Note: By August 2025 this certificate program will be expanded to a full five-semester bachelor's degree program.

Nuclear Medicine Technology Coursework

Fall Semester

NMED 070 Introduction to Nuclear Medicine and Medical Law and Ethics for the Imaging Professional
NMED 071 Nuclear Chemistry and Physics
NMED 072 Radiopharmacy I
NMED 073 Clinical Procedures
NMED 074 Radiation Biology and Protection
NMED 075 Clinical Internship I

Spring Semester

NMED 080 Nuclear Instrumentation, Medical Informatics and Quality Assurance
NMED 082 Radiopharmacy II
NMED 083 Clinical Procedures II
NMED 084 Clinical Internship II
NMED 085 Research Methods and Health Administration

Summer Semester

NMED 090 Seminar
NMED 091 Clinical Internship III

* These schedules are provided for reference only. For more information about courses, please visit the KU Academic Catalog.

Vaccines and Clinical Site Requirements

The University of Kansas Medical Center requires various immunizations for its students. For a detailed list please visit the student health forms webpage or speak with Student Health Services. These immunization requirements help promote health and safety and facilitate clinical placement.

Many, if not all, clinical sites who partner with the University of Kansas Medical Center require proof of these vaccines for students engaged in training or other programmatic experiences at clinical sites. Not being vaccinated may preclude students from participating in activities, potentially impeding their ability to complete all program requirements for degree completion. Applicants with questions should speak with a representative from the academic program to which they intend to apply.

KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Science
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 1013
Kansas City, KS 66160
913-588-4630 • 711 TTY