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How to Apply

Apply here for KU's certificate program in diagnostic ultrasound and vascular technology.

The application deadline is February 1 for priority status. We may accept applications after the deadline if spots remain. Courses may be in progress at the time of application; verification of completion will be done prior to the start of the program.

  1. Review the eligibility requirements, including information for international students.
  2. Review the technical standards.
  3. Gather the following information before beginning your online application:

Resume — Upload a resume with the application. Have this file saved and ready before beginning.

References — Select two individuals as references who will answer questions to provide a recommendation based on your performance in academic or professional settings. College instructors and past supervisors are good choices. A third reference may be an individual who knows the student on a personal level outside of a work or classroom setting. Please make sure each reference is willing to submit answers to the questionnaire online. They will receive a link via email.

Transcripts — Arrange to have one official copy of each transcript from every college and university attended sent directly to KU Medical Center. If the institution provides electronic transcripts, please have them sent to dxsciences@kumc.eduIf using the U.S. national transcripts clearinghouse, please do NOT select "University of Kansas" and instead use the email address provided here.

Paper transcripts can be mailed to the following address:
KU Dept. of Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Science
Attn: Ultrasound Admissions
MS 1013 / 3901 Rainbow Blvd
Kansas City, KS 66160

Questions About You
On the application, please carefully and thoughtfully answer each of the questions presented.

Interview and Selection Process

  1. Applications must be complete to be reviewed by the interview committee.
  2. The committee will rate/score submitted material.
  3. The committee will schedule a personal interview.
  4. After you have completed your interview, you can tour the department and talk to enrolled students.

Personal Interviews and Notification

  • Personal interviews include a series of questions. Committee members will rate based on a number assigned to the endorsement category (i.e. (5) Accept, (1) Do not accept).
  • Following interviews, the admissions committee will review all scores and ratings from interviews and submitted materials and determine accepted and alternate student(s).
  • You will receive an email with an attached "letter of acceptance, alternate or non-acceptance." If you receive a letter of acceptance, you must send a letter of intent within the period specified in the acceptance letter.

After Acceptance

In addition to a background check as described on the eligibility and requirements page, students accepted to the program must submit copies of current, valid CPR and first aid certification prior to the program start date. CPR certification must cover the entire lifespan (infant, child, and adult). You are responsible for maintaining current, valid CPR status throughout the duration of the program.

Before entering the program, you also must provide proof of current health insurance coverage.

Admissions requirements and prerequisites are subject to change.

Apply Online

Note: please select KU Medical Center campus location in the online application.

apply ONLINE now

Partial or incomplete applications may not be reviewed.

Please submit your completed application and pay the application fee. The application fee is paid when you click SUBMIT from the online application. Applicants can pay by Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or by electronic check. U.S. banks only. Application fees are non-refundable. Electronic checks will be held for approximately six business days while the check clears.

Advising and Questions

Do you want to learn more about KU's certificate program in nuclear medicine technology? We're here to answer questions and provide assistance as you explore the field of respiratory care! It is very important to contact us for advising as early as possible in your college career.

photo of Micha Bazemorephoto of Alex LopezIf you've completed college coursework and considering applying to KU's certificate program in diagnostic ultrasound and vascular technology, please contact Micha Bazemore, program director, for academic advising or answers to any of your questions at

High school students, counselors and those in their early years of college study may contact Alex Lopez, our school's outreach and recruitment specialist, with questions at or 913-588-1743 (711 TTY).

KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Science
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 1013
Kansas City, KS 66160
913-588-4630 • 711 TTY