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Gainful Employment Disclosure

Learn graduation rates, costs, student median debt in KU's diagnostic ultrasound and vascular technology certificate program.

Gainful Employment Disclosures – 2023

Program Name: Diagnostic Ultrasound and Vascular Technology Program.

This program is designed to be completed in 21 months.

This program will cost $9,452 if completed within normal time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed.

Of the students who completed this program within normal time, the typical graduate leaves with ____ of debt. Note: Fewer than 10 students graduate per class so this information is not required to be provided.

  1. Program meets licensure requirements in the following States: All
  2. Program does not meet licensure requirements in the following States: N/A
  3. Program qualifies students to sit for licensure exam in the following States: All
  4. Program does not qualify students to sit for licensure exam in the following States: N/A
  5. The following States do not have licensure requirements for this profession: N/A

For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, and post-enrollment earnings about this institution and other postsecondary institutions, visit the College Scorecard website.

KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Respiratory Care and Diagnostic Science
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 1013
Kansas City, KS 66160
913-588-4630 • 711 TTY