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Selected Recent Publications

See selected research publications and abstracts from researchers in KU's Laboratory for Advanced Rehabilitation Research in Simulation.

Research Publications and Abstracts

  • Moon, S., Ahmadnezhad, P., Song, H.J., Thompson, J., Kipp, K., Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H. (2020). Artificial neural networks in neurorehabilitation: A scoping review. NeuroRehabilitation, doi: 10.3233/NRE-192996.
  • Moon, S., Kahya, M., Lyons, K., Pahwa, R., Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H. (2020). Pupillary response during verbal abstract reasoning in Parkinson's disease: A pilot study. International Journal of Neuroscience, 1:7.
  • Shema-Shiratzky, S., Hillel, I., Mirelman, A., Regev, K., Hsieh, K.L., Karni, K., Devos, H., Sosnoff, J.J., Hausdorff, J.M. (2020). A wearable sensor quantifies community ambulation in multiple sclerosis: contributors to real-world physical activity and gait quality. Journal of Neurology, doi: 10.1007/s00415-020-09759-7.
  • Kahya, M., Sood, P., Devos, H. Krishnan, S., Hirsch, M., Heyn, P. (2020). Falls risk and Alzheimer's disease: A patient guide. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
  • Myers, J., Alissa, N., Mitchell, M., Dai, J., He, J., Moon, S., O'Dea, A., Klemp, J., Kurylo, M., Akinwuntan, A., Devos, H. (2020). Pupillary response, driving simulation and increased cognitive load: Assessment of cognitive effort for breast cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 47, 203-212.
  • Devos, H., Akinwuntan, A.E., Alissa, N., Morohunfola, B., Lynch, S. (2020). Cognitive workload and cognitive performance in multiple sclerosis: two different constructs of cognitive functioning? Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 38:101505.
  • Ranchet M., Akinwuntan, A.E., Morgan, J.C., Devos, H. (2020). Visual search and target detection in drivers with Parkinson's disease. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 134, 105328.
  • Kahya, M., Moon, S., Lyons, K., Pahwa, R., Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H.(2019). Brain activity during dual tasking gait and balance in aging and age-related neurodegenerative conditions: A systematic review, Experimental Geriatrics, 128, 110756.
  • Ranchet, M., Devos, H., Uc, EY. Driving in Parkinson's disease. (2019). Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, in press.
  • Schmidt, J., Devos, H., Lempke, L., Lynall, R. (2019). Post-concussion driving management among athletic trainers. Brain Injury, 1652-1659. doi: 10.1080/02699052.2019.1664765.
  • Schwarz, J.K., Capo-Lugo, C.E., Akinwuntan, A.E., Roberts, P., Krishnan, S., Belagaje, S.R., Kovic, M., Burns, S.P., Danzl, M., Devos, H, Page, S. (2019). Classification of mild stroke: a mapping review. Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 11,996-1003.
  • Sood, P., Kletzel, S., Krishnan, S., Devos, H., Negm, A., Hoffecker, L., Machtinger, J., Hu, X., Heyn. P. Non-immersive brain gaming for older adults with cognitive impairments: A scoping review. (2019) The Gerontologist, 59, e764-781. doi: 10.1093/geront/gny164.
  • Myers, S., Kahya, M., Mitchell, M., Dai, J., He, J., Moon, S., Hamilton, K., Valla, M., O'Dea, A., Klemp, J., Kurylo, M., Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H. (2018). Pupillary response: Cognitive effort for breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Care, 27(3), 1121-1128.
  • Devos, H., Ranchet, M., Bollinger, K., Conn, A., Akinwuntan, A.E. (2018). Performance-based visual field testing in glaucoma: a pilot study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 19, 715-721.
  • Kahya, M., Wood, T., Sosnoff, J., Devos, H. (2018). Pupillary response to postural demand in young individuals. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, 288.
  • Akinwuntan, A.E., Backus, D., Grayson, J., Devos, H. (2018). Validation of a short cognitive battery to screen for fitness-to-drive of persons with MS. European Journal of Neurology, 25,1250-1254.
  • Schmidt, J., Lynall RC, Lempke, L., Weber, M.L., Devos, H. (2018). Post-concussion driving behaviors and opinions: A survey of collegiate student-athletes. Journal of Neurotrauma. 35, 2418-2424.
  • Burns, S.P., Schwartz, J.K., Scott, S.L., Devos, H., Kovic, M., Hong, I., Akinwuntan, A. (2018). Interdisciplinary approaches to facilitate return to driving and return to work in mild stroke: a position. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. doi: 10.1016/j.apmr.2018.01.032.
  • Kahya, M., Moon, S., Lyons, K., Pahwa, R., Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H. (2018). Pupillary response to cognitive demand in Parkinson's disease: A pilot study. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 10, 90. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2018.00090.
  • Devos, H., Hong, I., Burns, S., Schwartz, J., Akinwuntan, A. (2018) Driving after Mild Stroke. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 99, 1935-1937.
  • Moon, S., Ranchet, M., Raji, M., Carr, D., Tant, M., Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H. (2018). Effect of advanced aging on driving safety in adults with medical conditions. Gerontology, 64, 291-299.
  • Hoffman, N.L., Devos, H., Schmidt, J. (2018). Driving performance deficits despite concussion symptom resolution: a case report. International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training, 23 (1), 21-26.

Book Chapters

  • Devos, H., Hawley, C., Conn, A., Marshall, S., Akinwuntan, A.E. Driving after stroke. Book chapter.
  • Sherrilene C, Akinwuntan AE. Validity and Reliability in Driving Simulation. Driving Simulation: Sharing Evidence, Enhancing Practice A Guide for Health Care Professionals in AOTA Press 2017.
  • Stern E, Akinwuntan AE, Hirsch P. Simulator Adaptation Syndrome, Strategies for Mitigation and Risk Management. Driving Simulation: Sharing Evidence, Enhancing Practice A Guide for Health Care Professionals in AOTA Press 2017.
  • Evans D, Akinwuntan AE. Driving Simulator as a Training/Intervention Tool. Driving Simulation: Sharing Evidence, Enhancing Practice A Guide for Health Care Professionals in AOTA Press 2017.
  • Devos H, Akinwuntan AE. Simulated Driving Performance of People with Other Degenerative Neurological Conditions. Driving Simulation: Sharing Evidence, Enhancing Practice A Guide for Health Care Professionals in AOTA Press 2017.
  • Akinwuntan AE, Devos H. Simulated Driving Performance of Stroke Survivors. Driving Simulation: Sharing Evidence, Enhancing Practice A Guide for Health Care Professionals in AOTA Press 2017.
  • Akinwuntan, A.E., Devos, H. Driving rehabilitation. Book chapter in Stroke Rehabilitation in Elsevier Press 2018.
KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training
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