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Make a Gift

Your donation to the Department to Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training helps us support the greatest needs of the department and achieve our mission to achieve excellence and leadership in education, research, and healthcare through a collaborative, innovative, and evidence-based approach, while integrating diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Program Support

Your gift to support the areas of greatest need within the physical therapy and athletic training degree programs will give us flexibility in meeting the most pressing needs of our faculty and students. To provide support to doctoral students in rehabilitation science, please click on the Give Now to Physical Therapy link.

Give Now to Physical Therapy       Give Now to Rehabilitation Science       Give Now to Athletic Training

Faculty Support

With a gift to our Ball & Blanchard Physical Therapy Faculty Development Fund, you help our faculty continue to lead in the field of physical therapy and rehabilitation, making a difference for current and future students.

Give Now

Student Support

Help us continue our commitment to support students in our degree programs.

Give Now

About KU Endowment

The University of Kansas Medical Center partners with KU Endowment for philanthropic support. If you have more questions about ways you can support our department, please visit KU Endowment’s contact page.

If you would like more information on the various ways you can support the University of Kansas or how your philanthropy should be designated in your legal documents, please visit KU Endowment’s Areas of Support page.

KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation Science, and Athletic Training
Mail Stop 2002
3901 Rainbow Blvd.
Kansas City, KS 66160
