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Tuition, Costs and Financial Assistance

Quality education doesn't have to cost a fortune. Find out more about fees and tuition for the research doctorate degrees in audiology and speech-language pathology.

The cost of an advanced research doctoral degree at KU is very competitive with other top programs in the U.S.

Graduate teaching assistantship (GTA) and graduate research assistantship (GRA) positions are available to students. The number and type of available positions vary from year to year.

Additional opportunities for financial assistance are available for students.

Tuition and fees differ based on the location of specific courses on the KU Lawrence campus and/or at the KU Medical Center campus. The higher campus rate was used in the table below. Students are assessed both campus fees if courses are taken in the same semester at both locations.

You pay tuition and fees at the beginning of each semester. Visit the KU's comprehensive fee schedule for complete, current tuition information. The Kansas Board of Regents establishes tuition and fees, and they may change at any time without notice.

The University of Kansas does not offer reciprocal tuition rates for residents of Missouri or any other state, and does not participate in the Midwest Student Exchange Program.

Tuition and Fees

Type Cost
Graduate Tuition - Kansas Resident $457.70/credit hour
Campus Fees (Spring and Fall) $457.70/semester
Campus Fees (Summer) $63.00/semester
Online Course Fees $100.00/credit hour
Type Cost
Graduate Tuition - Non-Resident $1,075.50/credit hour
Campus Fees (spring & fall) $457.70/semester
Campus Fees (summer) $63.00/semester
Online Course Fees $100.00/credit hour

Additional Expenses

The following items are required for students, but are not paid directly to KU; therefore, costs may not be determined by the program.

  • Background check report – includes a one-time fee is paid by the student directly to reporting agency after admission to the program. See details. In addition, a drug screening may be required for students in the program participating at clinical sites.
  • Computer – must meet the program's minimum requirements.
  • Hardcopy and online textbooks.
  • Room and board, transportation and other needs.

Scholarships and Financial Assistance

Learn about financial aid, fellowships and other opportunities for support to help with the cost of your program. 

Financial Assistance

KU School of Health Professions