Make a Gift
Your donation to the Department of Hearing and Speech helps us support the greatest needs of the department, faculty development and support and continue our pursuit of excellence in teaching, research and advancing clinical care.
Departmental Support
You can support the areas of greatest need within our department:
Intercampus Program in Communicative Disorders
Department of Hearing and Speech
Student Support
Help us continue our commitment to keep our students at the forefront of advancement through the Hearing and Speech Scholarship.
Community Support
Your gift to the Speech and Language Therapy Clinical Fund helps our department work with community members on compensatory strategies for individuals with various neurodegenerative diseases. The department assists people who have trouble with speech, cognition, memory, and swallowing by providing group sessions, individualized evaluation and treatment.
About KU Endowment
The University of Kansas Medical Center partners with KU Endowment for philanthropic support. If you have more questions about ways you can support our department, please visit KU Endowment’s contact page.
If you would like more information on the various ways you can support the University of Kansas or how your philanthropy should be designated in your legal documents, please visit KU Endowment’s Areas of Support page.