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Here are the courses you'll need to complete before you enter KU's bachelor's degree program in health information management.

You will enter KU's health information management program after accumulating two (2) years of college coursework. Students with more than six (6) credit hours of prerequisite work remaining by the summer prior to the fall semester may not be eligible for admission. At least 60 credit hours are necessary to qualify for KU graduation with a total of 120 credit hours after completing this program.

The prerequisite courses listed below count toward the required number of credit hours. You may still apply to the program if you’re currently enrolled or working toward prerequisite coursework. However, all prerequisites must be completed before the start of the program. 

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Prerequisite Courses

The KU course numbers below are provided as a guide. Equivalent courses from other institutions may be accepted pending transcript evaluation. Equivalent courses from other institutions may be eligible to fulfill these requirements. We do not accept any grade lower than a "C" in any prerequisite course.

Biological Sciences

BIOL 100 Principles of Biology1 (or other natural sciences course) (3 credits) 

BIOL 240 Fundamentals of Human Anatomy2  (3 credits)

BIOL 246 Principles of Human Physiology3 (3 credits)


MATH 365 Elementary Statistics (3 credits)

ACCT 200 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting4 or ACCT 205 Survey of Accounting (4 credits)


ENGL 101 Composition (3 credits)

ENGL 102 Critical Reading and Writing (3 credits)

Oral Communication

COMS 130 Speaker-Audience Communication (3 credits)


PHIL 148 Reason and Argument (3 credits)

PHIL 160 Introduction to Ethics (3 credits)

HUM 204 Western Civilization I (or other culture and diversity elective)5 (3 credits)

Social Sciences

PSYC 104 General Psychology (3 credits)

SOC 104 Elements of Sociology (3 credits)

Health Care

HEIM 210 Introduction to Health Care (1 credit)

HEIM 230 Medical Terminology (3 credits)


BLAW Legal Aspects of Business (3 credits)

IST 310 Intro to Information & Management Productivity Systems (3 credits)

Note: IST 202, IST 205, and ACCT 205 are discontinued but they are acceptable for any student who has already taken these courses.

1 Students may choose any elective fulfilling the KU Core Goal 3, Natural Sciences.

2 BIOL 241 or BIOL 242 are lab courses for BIOL 240 and are recommended but not required.

3 BIOL 247 is the lab course for BIOL 246 and is recommended but not required.

4 KU requires students to take MATH 101 before taking ACCT 200; transfer students may not need to complete a MATH 101 equivalent if it is not required for the required accounting course.

5 Students may choose any elective fulfilling the KU Core Goal 4, Learning Outcome 2.

Recommended Courses

If you need additional credit hours, consider taking the following recommended courses.

(1) Additional courses needed to finish KU's minor in business.

(2) Additional courses recommended for students interested in health information management:

  • BUS 305 Business Writing (meets requirement for ENGL 102)
  • COMS 330 Effective Business Communication
  • ENGL 362 Technical Writing
  • SOC 160 Social Problems and American Values

KU Core Requirements

All incoming KU freshmen are required to fulfill the KU Core requirements. The purpose of the KU Core is to establish a University-wide general curriculum for all baccalaureate degrees that meets six primary educational goals.

If you’re a current student on the KU-Lawrence campus, it is important to declare pre-health information management as your major. To verify the status of prerequisite completion, you can access the Degree Progress Report through the KYOU portal.

Prerequisite classes and how they meet KU Core requirements are detailed below. As courses are constantly being evaluated and approved for inclusion in the KU Core curriculum, please check for the most up-to-date course listings that meet each goal. Some KU Core goals will be fulfilled through courses taken during the last two years of study in the health information management program at KU Medical Center.

KU core checklist for health information management students (PDF)

** These schedules are provided for reference only. For complete, current information about courses and requirements, please visit the KU Academic Catalog.


Advising for prospective students is available Monday – Friday by appointment. Please contact to schedule your appointment today.

For students already enrolled on the KU Lawrence campus, please schedule an advising meeting with the KU Undergraduate Advising Center and indicate your interest in the pre-health information management track.

KU School of Health Professions

University of Kansas Medical Center
Department of Health Information Management
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 2008
Kansas City, KS 66160
913-588-2423 • 711 TTY