Sunil H. Abhyankar, MD

Professor, Hematologic Malignancies and Cellular Therapeutics
sabhyankar@kumc.eduProfessional Background
I completed my medical school from the University of Bombay followed by residency and specialized training in Pediatrics and Pediatric Hematology and Oncology from Wadia Hospital, Bombay and then subsequently at Downstate Medical Center in NYC. I then had the opportunity to be at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute in BMT and focused on basic research in graft versus host disease. I have been involved with blood and marrow transplantation since 1990 and with cellular therapies from early 2000s. I currently am part of the BMT team at he University of Kansas Cancer Center and oversee the cell processing lab and apheresis and also the Midwest Stem cell therapy Center.
Education and Training
- BS, Biology, Chemistry, University of Bombay, Mumbai, India
- Internship, University of Bombay, King Edward Memorial Hospital, Mumbai, India
Professional Affiliations
- American Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation , Member, 1994 - Present
My research interests in the clinical arena are in acute and chronic graft versus host disease, allogeneic transplant for malignant and non malignant hematological disorders, infectious complications post BMT, Chimeric antigen receptor T and NK cell therapies and the use of mesenchymal and induced pluripotent cells in tissue regeneration.