Equipment available at the Transgenic and Gene Targeting Facility
Nikon TiU inverted microscope, equipped with:
- DIC and Hoffman Modulation Contrast optics
- Leica manipulators
- Eppendorf Cell Tram Air micrometer
- Eppendorf Femtojet injector
- SAS air syringe for blastocyst injections
- Temperature adjustable stage
- Epi-fluorescence
- Camera and monitors
Nikon TE2000 inverted microscope, equipped with:
- DIC optics
- Narishige motorized manipulators
- Eppendorf Cell Tram Air micrometer
- Eppendorf Femtojet injector
- SAS air syringe for blastocyst injections
- Temperature adjustable stage
- Hamilton Thorne XY Clone laser
- Camera and monitors
(5) Nikon SMZ-1000 stereo microscopes with warming stages
(2) Nikon TS100F tissue culture microscopes
Nikon 80i upright research microscope
(2) Nikon Fi3 cameras with NIS elements software
Nikon SMZ-1500 stereo microscope with epi-fluorescence and camera
(2) NUAIRE laminar flow hoods
(2) NUAIRE biosafety cabinets
(3) Sanyo MCO-18 tri-gas incubators
(2) Cook MINC benchtop incubator
Bio-Rad Gene Pulser II
Bio-Rad CHEF DR-II pulsed field gel electrophoresis unit
MVE Eterne auto-fill liquid nitrogen storage tank
BioCool controlled rate freezer
BLS pulse generator for embryo fusion
NanoDrop spectrophotometer
Neon Transfection System
Countess 3 Automated Cell Counter
NEPA21 Transfection System
Minitube MultiCoder Printer
LabConco Clean Bench
LabConco Microscope-Ready Biosafety Cabinet
Eppendorf Mastercycler Nexus GSX1
Eppendorf Mastercycler Nexus
Bio-Rad GelDoc Go Gel Imaging System