Clinical Trials Management
Portfolio Managers within the Office of Clinical Trials Administration:
- Facilitate submission and review of the Clinical Research Activation Form
- Support coordination of study start-up activities
- Track completion of tasks required for study activation
- Provide editorial support for informed consent forms and other study documentation
- Provide regulatory guidance and training
- Support study closeout
Locate your assigned Portfolio Manager and Budget Analysts.
Roles and Responsibilities Throughout the Life Cycle
The Roles and Responsibilities Matrix identifies common clinical trial activities and is intended as a guide to identify the responsible parties for each. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive and is subject to change.
Information about support for industry-funded trials is available here.
Additional Clinical Trial Resources
Institutional Review Board:
Information related to IRB review can be found on the KUMC IRB website.
Research Systems:
Information related to research systems utilized for clinical trial management can be found on the Research Systems website.
Research Contracts:
Information regarding the contract review process can be found on the Research Contracts Office website. The Research Contracts Office is responsible for the review and negotiation of all research-related agreements.
Frontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute provides a variety of research support services. Navigators are available at no cost to assist with locating and accessing Frontiers resources.