Recruitment Resources
Access to potential study participants is essential for any study involving human participants. We have identified some potential KUMC sources for study participants, offered guidance on recruitment, and posted related forms below.
Frontiers Clinical and Translational Science Institute
The mission of Frontiers is to be "an academic home for clinical and translational research, providing support to scientists and involving the community, so that discoveries and research findings will be brought more rapidly to the point of care, thus improving the health of all in the region." Frontiers provides research support services through all phases of a study. In the area of recruitment, Frontiers can assist you in both identifying the potential study participant pool (necessary for any grant proposal) and for accessing people who may be willing to participate in your study. Visit the Frontier Participant Registry page for more information.
Guidance on Recruitment
- FDA Information Sheet on Recruiting Study Subjects
- Guidelines for Recruitment Materials and Advertisements Jan 2018
- See also related SOPs via the Policies and Regulations page