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The mission of the University of Kansas Kidney Institute is to support research leading to major advances in the prevention and treatment of kidney diseases. It aims to provide an environment that empowers creativity and innovation, and encourages collaboration and teamwork between laboratory scientists and physicians. Researchers and clinicians associated with the University of Kansas, its Medical Center, and affiliated organizations who are actively involved in kidney-focused research and clinical practice are eligible to be considered for membership in the University of Kansas Kidney Institute. All areas of kidney research are encouraged including basic, translational and clinical research.

Benefits of membership
The University of Kansas Kidney Institute provides members with a number of centralized resources to support collaborative research and clinical trials.

Shared equipment
The KI maintains large pieces of shared equipment on the fifth and sixth floors of Wahl Hall East that are available for KI members. Resources Manager: Brenda Magenheimer

Biomaterials core
The KI houses the Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Biomaterials Core, which collects and distributes human and mouse PKD kidney tissues and cells. Scientific Director: Darren Wallace, Ph.D.

PKD rodent and model drug-testing core
The goal of this core is to provide rodent models and expertise to streamline testing of drugs for efficacy in PKD. Scientific Director: Stephen Parnell, Ph.D.

Drug discovery resource
This is a joint initiative with IAMI to provide consultative expertise to KI members wishing to embark on kidney disease drug discovery projects.

Clinical trials management
The Clinical Trials Unit of the Division of Nephrology and Hypertension provides coordination and consultative expertise to KI members in trial design, grant writing, and management of trials related to kidney disease research. Scientific Director: Alan Yu, M.B., B. Chir.

Pilot project funding
The KI offers an annual pilot project grant program (applications due usually in the fall) to KI members and external investigators who collaborate with members. Scientific Director: Darren Wallace, Ph.D.

Grant proposal pre-review
KI investigators submitting grants may request assignment of a KI senior faculty member to pre-review the grant and provide critical comments and suggestions.

Disease working groups
Individual disease working groups have group meetings and discuss collaborative projects, for example, the PKD group.

KI seminars, symposia and annual retreat
The KI organizes a weekly seminar, the Sullivan conference, featuring both local and invited visiting speakers, on a variety of topics related to kidney physiology and disease. In addition, the KI sponsors symposia and an annual retreat for members.

Membership review process

The director and deputy director review applications and make decisions on membership appointment.

Responsibilities of membership

  • Actively participate in the research programs and serve on KI committees.
  • Develop interactions with other KI members as measured by joint publications, joint grants, or joint research activities.
  • Attend KI-sponsored meetings and seminars.
  • Acknowledge use of KI facilities, cores, space, or assistance (when appropriate) in research publications, presentations, and new grant submissions.
  • Provide accurate annual and special requests for research progress, clinical trials, other support, publications, and biosketch in a timely manner.
KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
The Jared Grantham Kidney Institute
Mail Stop 3018
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160