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Clinical Trials

The following clinical trials are currently recruiting participants. If you would like more information regarding the trial or how to participate, please contact the study coordinator or complete the Nephrology Clinical Research Interest Form and we will contact you.

Polycystic Kidney Disease Trials

Trial Name Sponsor Summary Details Study Coordinator
EPOC PKD NIH Observational study collecting blood and urine and clinical information from individuals in the early stages PKD. The long-term goal is to develop new knowledge of biomarkers that indicate changes in the disease progression.
  • Length: 5 years
  • Time Commitment: One 2-hour visit per year
  • Procedures: MRI, blood and urine labs, and questionnaires
  • Eligibility: age 4-35 with early stage PKD and normal kidney function

More information about EPOC PKD

Cathy Creed

PKD Repository KUMC Jared Grantham Kidney Institute The KI has a biorepository of blood and urine samples from adults with Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in order to provide specimens to investigators for the discovery of biomarkers.
  • Length: One Visit Only
  • Time commitment: One Hour
  • Procedures: fasting blood and urine collection, blood pressure, and a medical history questionnaire
  • Eligibility: age 18-70 with PKD, MRI or CT scan within the last 5 years

More information about PKD Repository

Cathy Creed

REGULUS 8429 Regulus Therapeutics A phase 1B trial to learn how well RGLS8429 works and how safe it is in adult participants with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD).
  • Length: 4 months
  • Time Commitment: 11 visits over 4 months (each visit varies in duration)
  • Procedures: EKG, MRI, physical exams, collection of blood and urine, medical history, and questionnaires
  • Eligibility: age 18-70 and diagnosed with ADPKD
More information about REGULUS 8429

Cathy Creed

VX22-KDI-801 “Vertex PKD Imaging Study” Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated The VX22-KDI-801 Study is for ADPKD patients to evaluate how well imaging procedures assess differences between those with and without kidney disease.

This study is being done to check the ability of diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (D-MRI) to see the differences between the kidneys of people with and without ADPKD, and to see if it can be used to track disease progression in those with ADPKD.
  • Length: 7 visits over 2 years
  • Time Commitment: approximately 2  hours per visit
  • Procedures: MRI scans, physical examination, vital signs, collection of blood and urine, medical history
  • Eligibility: 18-65 and diagnosed with ADPKD

Cathy Creed

Jordan Haferbier

Lupus Nephritis Trials

Trial Name Sponsor Summary Details Study Coordinator
SIRIUS Novartis A Phase 3 trial to see the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of ianalumab on top of standard of care therapy in participants with active Lupus Nephritis.
  • Length: Phase 1 is week 0-72 and Phase 2 is week 72-144
  • Time Commitment: visits every 4 weeks
  • Procedures: ECG, renal biopsy, physical exams, collection of blood and urine, and medical history
  • Eligibility: At least 18 years old with active Lupus Nephritis as defined by a renal biopsy

Cathy Creed

Abigayle Joyce

LUPKYNIS Registry Aurinia Pharmaceuticals Inc. A registry for patients with Lupus Nephritis who are being treated with LUPKYNIS (Voclosporin). This registry is observational; all data collected during this registry will be taken from the information that your doctor has recorded in your medical notes during your normal visits. You will not be asked to come into the clinic or have any other procedures done that are not part of your usual visits.
  • Length: 36 months
  • Time Commitment: Data will be obtained from medical record. 30 minutes or less phone call if additional information is needed.
  • Procedures: None outside of routine clinic care
  • Eligibility: Lupus Nephritis and started LUPKYNIS (Voclosporin) in the past 3 months

More information about LUPKYNIS Registry

Cathy Creed

Abigayle Joyce

General Nephrology Trials

Trial Name Sponsor Summary Details Study Coordinator
EASI-KIDNEY Boeringer Ingelheim Studies of heart and kidney protection with BI690517 in combination with Empagliflozin in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease.
  • Length: 3 or more years
  • Time Commitment: Each visit varies in duration
  • Procedures: Blood, urine, and saliva samples, vitals, medical history, questionnaires
  • Eligibility: At least 18 years old with diagnosed CKD

Jordan Elliott

Abigayle Joyce

VX19-NEN-801 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated APOL1 genetic testing for patients of African ancestry with symptoms or a family history of kidney disease.
  • Length: 1-time visit
  • Time Commitment: 1 hour
  • Procedures: Blood draw and collection of saliva sample
  • Eligibility: African ancestry with Nondiabetic Chronic Kidney Disease and a history of increased protein in your urine

Jordan Elliott

Abigayle Joyce

Amplitude VX21-147-301 Vertex Pharmaceuticals Incorporated A phase 2/3 study for individuals of African ancestry with APOL1-Mediated Nondiabetic Chronic Kidney Disease and an increased level of protein in their urine. VX-147 is being studied to determine if it can slow or stop the worsening of kidney function.
  • Length: Up to 4 years
  • Time Commitment: Each visit varies in duration
  • Procedures: Physical examination, vital signs, ECG, questionnaires, blood and urine tests
  • Eligibility: A patient of African ancestry, aged 18-65, with Nondiabetic Chronic Kidney Disease and a history of increased protein in your urine
More information about AMPLITUDE

Jordan Elliott

Abigayle Joyce

Fabry Registry Genzyme Collection of clinical data of patients with Fabry Disease to better understand Fabry Disease and its management.
  • Length: Indefinitely
  • Time Commitment: Data will be obtained from medical records and 30 minutes or less phone call if needed
  • Procedures: Questionnaires
  • Eligibility: Diagnosed with Fabry Disease

More information about Fabry Registry

Cathy Creed

Jordan Elliott

Neptune National Institutes of Health, NIDDK, Nephcure Kidney International, University of Michigan To learn more about 4 diseases which cause Nephrotic Syndrome: Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), Minimal Change Disease (MCD), and Membranous Nephropathy (MN) and Alport Syndrome. Collects health information and lab samples from patients.
  • Length: 8 visits over 3 years
  • Time Commitment: One hour per visit
  • Procedures: Blood and urine samples, kidney tissue (only if biopsy is already being done) and questionnaires.
  • Eligibility: Age 18-79 patients with FSGS, MCS, MN and Alport Syndrome may be eligible

More information about Neptune

Cathy Creed

Nephrology Transplant Trials

Trial Name Sponsor Summary Details Study Coordinator
Cognitive Function-Everolimus Novartis, llT Title: Alterations in Cognitive Function and Cerebral Blood Flow after Conversion from Calcineurin Inhibitors to Everolimus. This single center longitudinal 12 weeks observational study will determine whether conversion from calcineurin inhibitoreed19r (Tacrolimus) to an mTOR inhibitor, Everolimus, is associated with improvement in cognition and cerebral blood flow.
  • Goal: Enroll 20 kidney transplant recipients who will undergo conversion and 10 matched controls at the University of Kansas Medical Center.

More information about Cognitive Function-Everolimus

Sean O'Brien

Jessica Reed

Cognitive Impairment KUMC Kidney Institute Evaluation of the changes in memory and thinking before and after transplant in relation to changes seen in images of the brain
  • Length: 1-2 years
  • Time commitment: 1-2 visits pre-transplant, and 2 visits prost-transplant to complete assessments
  • Procedures: Memory assessments, brain MRI, collection of blood and urine, medical history, and questionnaires
  • Eligibility: age 25-70, pre-transplant ESRD patients listed for renal transplantation at KU

More information about Cognitive Impairment

Sean O'Brien

Jessica Reed

General Nephrology Coordinators

Cathy Creed, RN
(913) 588-0053

Jordan Haferbier - Clinical research Coordinator
(913) 588-8983

Jordan Elliott
(913) 588-7691

Nephrology Transplant Coordinators

Jessica Reed
(913) 574-0894

Sean O'Brien
(913) 574-0895

Clinical Research Assistants

Abigayle Joyce
(913) 574-3255

KU School of Medicine

University of Kansas Medical Center
The Jared Grantham Kidney Institute
Mail Stop 3018
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160