Research Methods and Advanced Technologies in Biomedical Research
The biomedical grant funding situation is challenging these days. With every proposal that is submitted to NIH or any other agency, it is now becoming clear that a grant application with high innovation, cutting edge translational science and novel ideas is given preference over the regular applications where routine techniques are used. To prepare our young scientists for future challenges and to help our current post docs, research staff and faculty, in 2018 we started a course entitled, "Research Methods and Advanced Technologies (RMAT) in Biomedical Research." In this course, every fall semester, invited experts share their expertise on new technologies and new developments from older technologies. This course is directed by Dr. Robin Maser (Dept. of Clin. Lab. Sciences) and Dr. Madhulika Sharma (Internal Medicine), both faculty members of the Jared Grantham Kidney Institute. Lectures are held in the Jared Grantham Conference Room, 6016 Cates East, unless otherwise noted. The RMAT series is also a part of a course offered by the Department of cellular Biology and Physiology (CBP), directed by Dr. Madhulika Sharma. If students enroll, this course runs on a weekly basis with seminar speakers coming once a month and other weeks devoted to learning more about the technology either practically or theoretically. If the students are not enrolled, seminar series stil take place. We are constantly thriving to make this series as useful to scientists as possible both as a seminar series and ANAT 870 course.
If you are not a member of the Kidney Institute and would like additional information on this seminar series, please contact Dr. Madhulika Sharma at 913-945-9393 or