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Immuno Assay Services

Disease Model and Assessment offers a wide range of ELISA-based immunoassay analysis services. Samples across a variety of species can be tested for clinical biomarkers of disease as noted in the table below.

DMA Core staff members will run the assay of your choice and provide you with the average analyte concentration from duplicate determinations.  Additionally, quality control information will be provided to the investigator.  All labor, consumables, and kit costs are included in the price listed per sample.

Email Michelle Winter, for current pricing information.
Interested in an analyte not listed?  Let us know!

ImmunoAssays Offered by Disease Model and Assessment Services

Analyte Species Sample type Range of Measurement Volume of sample required (mL)
25-OH Vitamin D h ser 2-300 nmol/L 30
Adiponectin (Multimeric, HMW, MMW, LMW) h pl, ser 0.075-4.8 ng/mL 10
Adiponectin- Total h pl, ser 0.075-4.8 ng/mL 10
Amyloid beta 42 h pl, ser 8-500 pg/mL 100
Cortisol h saliva 0.012-3.0 mg/dL 50
Cortisol h pl, ser 2.44-500 ng/mL 40
Cotinine h saliva 0.8-200 ng/mL 50
C-Reactive Protein h pl, ser 1.9-150 ng/mL 10
Estradiol h, r, m ser 20-3200 pg/mL 100
Ferritin h ser 5-1000 ng/mL 40
Ghrelin h pl, ser 1.95-200 pg/mL 25
IGF-1 h pl, ser 0.09-1050 ng/mL 10
IGF-1 m,r pl, ser 0.029-1800ng/mL 10
Insulin h ser, pl 3-200mlU/mL 50
Insulin m ser, pl 0.188-6.9 ng/mL 10 or 50
Insulin r ser, pl 0.15-5.5 ng/mL 10 or 50
Leptin h pl, ser 1-100 ng/mL 50
Leptin m,r pl, ser 10-1600 pg/mL 15
Ultrasensitive Leptin h pl, ser 0.05-5 ng/mL 50
Orexin A h, r, m pl, ser 0-10 ng/mL 100
Resistin h pl, ser 20-1000 pg/mL 15 or 45
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) h, r, m ser 25-2500 pg/mL 100
Free Testosterone h, r, m ser 0.25-125 pg/mL 50
Serum Testosterone h, r, m ser 0.08-16.7 ng/mL 100
Plasma Testosterone h, r, m pl 0.08-16.7 ng/mL 100
Visfatin h ser, pl 0.1-1000ng/mL 100
h - human pl - plasma All samples will be run in duplicate
r- rat ser - serum
m - mouse

Interested in an analyte not listed? Let us know! Email Michelle Winter.