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Ongoing Research Studies

Explore some of the research studies underway at the Hoglund Biomedical Imaging Center.

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ADC-A4 STUDY00000688 Anti-Amyloid Treatment in Asymptomatic Alzheimer's Disease: Over 5 million Americans currently have AD and the prevalence is rising sharply as the population ages. There is a need for rigorous trials assessing the role of AD prevention strategies. Demonstrating that aerobic exercise alters AD pathophysiology would have enormous public health implications, encourage the public to adapt more active lifestyles, and stimulate the development effective exercise delivery programs. Burns, Jeffrey
ADNI3 STUDY00140729 Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative 3: The purpose of this study is to look at how useful imaging studies and biomarkers tests are, together with measurements of memory, thinking and daily functioning, for future studies that will focus on identifying and treating Alzheimer's disease at an early stage. Burns, Jeffrey
AIM-IGNITE STUDY00143117 Antioxidant Imaging Markers of Investigating Gains in Neurocognition in an Intervention Trial of Exercise (AIM-IGNITE): Since the absence of effective methods for treating age-related cognitive decline presents a significant public health problem, this ancillary study of a Phase III clinical trial: IGNITE (Investigating Gains in Neurocognition in an Intervention Trial of Exercise) is designed to determine whether oxidative stress is an important mechanism involved in the beneficial effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive function and brain health in late adulthood for public guidance and health care recommendations based on the outcomes of IGNITE. Thus, the public health will be greatly served by the opportunity to improve brain function and prevent or slow down the onset of Alzheimer's disease and related diseases before the extensive age-related cognitive decline has taken place. Also, the resulting improvement in the quality of life for older adults is directly relevant to public health and to the mission of NIH. Lee, Phil
ALS STUDY00001545 Phase 2 Study of Rasagiline for Treatment of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Statland, Jeffery
Anorexia Nervosa STUDY00142797 Neural predictors of "rapid response" in anorexia nervosa Forbush, Kelsie
APEX 13376 Effect of Aerobic Exercise on Alzheimer's Pathophysiology in Preclinical AD: Over 5 million Americans currently have AD and the prevalence is rising sharply as the population ages. There is a need for rigorous trials assessing the role of AD prevention strategies. Demonstrating that aerobic exercise alters AD pathophysiology would have enormous public health implications, encourage the public to adapt more active lifestyles, and stimulate the development effective exercise delivery programs. Burns, Jeffrey
Bailey-A009 STUDY143057 Neuroimaging studies of memory and aging: As we age, cognitive abilities such as working memory and episodic memory decline; however semantic knowledge remains intact. This proposal will test whether older adults can leverage their intact semantic knowledge to offset these declines in working memory and episodic memory. One specific aim is to determine how knowledge use during event encoding changes with age, and the second specific aim will test a knowledge-based intervention for improving everyday memory. Bailey, Heather
BATE STUDY142539 Brain Appetite Teens and Exercise (BATE) Shook, Robin
BB8-AD STUDY00142727 Model-based cerebrovascular markers extracted from hemodynamic data for non-invasive, portable and inexpensive diagnosis of MCI or mild AD and prediction of disease progression: The proposed multi-PI project seeks to establish proof of concept for the utility of a new class of cerebrovascular markers that may aid in the improved diagnosis and prediction of disease progression in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or mild Alzheimer's disease (AD). The means for obtaining these markers are non-invasive, inexpensive and portable, so that they can be used for screening in a primary-care setting. The scientific rationale for this new class of cerebrovascular markers is provided by the recent promising results of our group and the mounting evidence of a strong correlation between MCI/AD and cerebrovascular dysregulation, including a recently published retrospective study on a large cohort of 1,171 subjects from the ADNI database which concluded that cerebrovascular dysregulation is the earliest and strongest pathologic factor associated with AD progression. Billinger, Sandra
Bulimia Nervosa STUDY00004162 Integrating Behavioral, Neural, and Endocrine Facets of Reward-Learning Dysfunction in Bulimia Nervosa Forbush, Kelsie
CNS Amplification in Lumbar FBSS STUDY00140263 Central Nervous System Amplification in Lumbar Failed Back Surgery Syndrome:  The proposed research is relevant to public health as the overall number of spine surgeries continues to increase, it is important to examine potential risk factors and patient characteristics that are linked with and possibly predictive of chronic pain after lumbar spine surgery. Furthermore, the discovery of specific central nervous system pain mechanisms and their potential role in the development of chronic pain after lumbar spine surgery will allow for a new and greater understanding of the condition and lead to further studies on how to lessen the risk or prevent the condition with treatments before, during, and after spine surgery. Thus, the proposed research is relevant to the part of the NIH's mission that pertains to developing fundamental knowledge that will help reduce the burdens of human disability and suffering. Nicol, Andrea
COPE STUDY00004095 Smoking Cessation and Brain Activation: How Practice Changes the Brain Martin, Laura
CRUK STUDY000142526 Translating Neuroscience to Population Health Martin, Laura
EXERT STUDY00004335 Therapeutic Effects of Exercise in Adults with Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Burns, Jeffrey
GAMBLING2 STUDY00002537 Psychosocial stress as a vulnerability factor for problem gaming Jarmolowicz, David
Generation 2 STUDY00141519 A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel group study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of cnp520 in participants at risk for the onset of clinical symptoms of alzheimer's disease (ad) Burns, Jeffrey
IGNITE STUDY000140896 Investigating Gains in Neurocognition in an Intervention Trial of Exercise Burns, Jeffrey
 In this Phase III randomized clinical trial, we will examine the effects of aerobic exercise on cognitive and brain function in late adulthood. We will be collecting a battery of cognitive, neuroimaging, amyloid, psychosocial, physical function measures, and blood-based biomarkers to examine the outcomes and mechanisms of the intervention.
MILK STUDY000140131 Dairy intake and Cerebral Antioxidant Defense in Aging: a Dietary Intervention Study Choi, In-Young
Motor abnormalities STUDY0000140269 Motor abnormalities and functional brain mechanisms in Autism Spectrum Disorder Mosconi, Matt
 Motor deficits are common in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and they appear to be mechanistically linked to specific clinical symptoms. The scientific goal of this study is to characterize deficits in the abilities to control continuous and rapid motor behaviors, and to define brain dysfunctions and clinical issues associated with these deficits in ASD. The proposed studies will provide new targets for treatments aimed at reducing motor and related clinical symptoms of ASD.
NICE STUDY00142752 Nutrition Interventions for Cognitive Enhancement Sullivan, Debra
PKD Biomarkers STUDY00003383 PKD Biomarkers Repository Wallace, Darren
REACT STUDY00003492 Relationship of Energetics And Cognitive Trajectory:  Metabolic dysfunction (such as insulin resistance), has been shown to increase risk for Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the mechanism that mediates this risk is unknown. Metabolic hormones, including those secreted by the pancreas and digestive system, are dysregulated in insulin resistance and can enter the brain and affect regions known to be compromised in AD. This project will characterize the secretion of metabolic hormones in healthy aging and AD and determine if this impacts brain structure and cognitive function over time. Morris, Jill
rrAD STUDY00004510 Exercise and Intensive Vascular Risk Reduction in Preventing Dementia: The multi-factorial nature of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and the potential role of cardiovascular risk factors in AD onset and progression provide an opportunity for prevention and treatment. This project will determine whether a safe and pragmatic intervention of intensive pharmacological reduction of vascular risk factors (hypertension and dyslipidemia), alone or combined with exercise, prevents or slows cognitive decline in older adults at high risk of AD. Burns, Jeffrey
The Claustrum and Schizophrenia STUDY00140670 The claustrum connectivity and positive symptoms of schizophrenia Kang, Seung
Hoglund Biomedical Imaging Center

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