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Research Support Services

Additional Research Support Services

  • Acquiring data - RA Support: Core staff are available for testing and behavioral and cognitive data collection. For functional MRI studies, a research assistant or study team member is available to run the stimulus presentation software during the imaging procedures. For metabolic imaging and MRI studies, an MR technologist or an MR scientist operate all imaging scans, to verify the quality of MR data, and to retrieve raw data for analysis. They also assist with consenting, interacting with study subjects, MR safety screening, and coordination between labs.
  • Acquiring data - Nursing Support: The core medical personnel, Sara Touchette, provides nursing services, blood draws, etc. as required for certain studies.
  • Analyzing imaging data: The core provides data acquisition and data analysis tools including analysis computers running neuroimaging software (AFNI, FreeSurfer, FSL, MATLAB, SPM), data analysis pipelines, data analysis quality checking through REDCap surveys, and data management tools (XNAT). During the study initiation and implementation stage a data acquisition and analysis plan is crafted. This includes decisions about research staff responsibilities and core responsibilities.
  • Managing imaging data: Imaging data collected on the Skyra are sent directly to the network XNAT server for archive and secure user access. Analysis pipelines can be set up to allow processing data on network servers or computers and uploading processed data to XNAT. With IR, we have implemented a network-based research drive (R:Drive), jointly managed by 3T Core Manager, Rebecca Lepping and 9.4T Core Manager, Paul Keselman, and IR. Detailed documentation is available for this resource through SharePoint.
  • Preparation and consultation of grant applications: The core provides consultation and feedback on research design and aims for grant applications, including data acquisition, analysis, power calculations, and budget considerations. The core provides other necessary documents including letters of support and descriptions of the MR system and environment for grant applications.
  • Dissemination of research: The core provides feedback on manuscripts, abstracts, and presentations from core research projects through consultations and research seminars and journal clubs hosted by the core.
  • Training in neuroimaging methods: The core provides training - one-on-one training, hands-on workshops, and monthly journal clubs - to research staff, students, and faculty. The core also trains medical students, undergraduate students, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, residents and fellows through research and volunteer experiences at HBIC.


To inquire about any of these additional research support services that HBIC offers, please contact:

  • Justine Karungi, MBA, FACHE, Administrative Director

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