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Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory Instrumentation Overview


BD FACSAria IIuFluorescence Activated Cell Sorter for collection of specified populations from single cell suspensions.
Equipped with:

Attune NxT

Attune NxT instrumentationFlow cytometric analysis of single cell suspensions
Equipped with:

Cytek Aurora

front view of Cytek AuroraSpectral flow cytometric analysis of single cell suspensions

Equipped with:

Cytek Aurora CS

Cytek aurora CSFluorescence Activated Cell Sorter for collection of specified populations from single cell suspensions. 
Equipped with:

  • UV, Violet, Blue, Yellow Green, and Red lasers
  • 64 fluorescence detectors
  • In BSC for sterile sorting
Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory

University of Kansas Medical Center
Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory
Mail Stop 3050
3037 Hemenway
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City, KS 66160