Flow Cytometry Core Laboratory Instrumentation Overview
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter for collection of specified populations from single cell suspensions.
Equipped with:
- 405, 488, 561 and 633 nm lasers
- Sixteen PMTs + FSC and SSC detection
- BD LSR II and ARia Illu dye selection guide
- More information on the BD FACSAria IIIu (description and capabilities)
Attune NxT
Flow cytometric analysis of single cell suspensions
Equipped with:
- 488 and 637 nm lasers
- Seven PMTs + FSC and SSC detection
- More information on the Attune NxT (description and capabilities)
Cytek Aurora
Spectral flow cytometric analysis of single cell suspensions
Equipped with:
- UV, Violet, Blue, Yellow Green, and Red lasers
- 64 fluorescence detectors
- Plate loader
- Small particle enhancer
- Cytek® Full Spectrum Viewer (5L 16UV-16V-14B-10YF-8R configuration)
- Cytek® SpectroLearn™ FSP™ Panel Design Series
- Cytek®SpectroFlo®
- Cytek® Biosciences + Tonbo Biosciences® Reagents
Cytek Aurora CS
Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter for collection of specified populations from single cell suspensions.
Equipped with:
- UV, Violet, Blue, Yellow Green, and Red lasers
- 64 fluorescence detectors
- In BSC for sterile sorting