Heartland Unit for Neuroscience Trials
The Heartland Unit for Neuroscience Trials (HUNT) collaborates with local and national scientists to bring cutting-edge clinical trials to Kansas City.
In 2011, KU Medical Center was selected by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) as one of 25 U.S. sites designated to participate in the Network of Excellence in Neuroscience Clinical Trials (NeuroNEXT).
This network conducts exploratory (Phase II) studies of treatments for neurological diseases through partnerships with academia, private foundations and industry. NeuroNEXT is designed to expand NINDS's capability to test the most promising new therapies, increase the efficiency of clinical trials before embarking on larger studies and respond quickly as new opportunities arise to test promising treatments for people with neurological disorders.
In response to the NeuroNEXT initiative, KU formed the Heartland Unit for Neuroscience Trials (HUNT), which is headquartered at KU's Clinical Research Center. HUNT provides infrastructure, centralized resources, access to patients and coordination of our region's neuroscience investigators, thereby increasing their responsiveness and efficiency in conducting NINDS trials.
Active NeuroNext Trials Supported by HUNT
This study will determine if oral topiramate can slow the progression of CSPN (cryptogenic sensory peripheral neuropathy), which causes progressive injury to the longest nerves of the body resulting in pain, loss of balance and fall-related injury. There is currently no FDA-approved treatment for CSPN or its symptoms.
GNE myopathy is a slowly progressive muscle disease resulting in marked disability, including wheelchair use, and ultimately requiring dependent care. There is no treatment available. This trial will evaluate if N-acetyl-D-mannosamine monohydrate (ManNAc) can slow the progression of muscle decline in people with GNE myopathy.
Promising Results for People with MS
Through HUNT, KU Medical Center was a site for a clinical trial that had promising results for the treatment of progressive multiple sclerosis (MS). The study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, found that ibudilast, a drug used in Asia to treat post-stroke vertigo and asthma, slowed the rate of brain atrophy in people with progressive MS by 48%. Learn more