Informatician: E. LaVerne Manos, DNP, RN-BC
Committees serve the association and the field as a whole by overseeing the many AMIA initiatives and programs.
The Accreditation Committee members are appointed by the AMIA Board of Directors and the Committee's purpose is to:
- serve as the primary interface between AMIA and the Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM) to achieve the goals of AMIA's participation in CAHIIM and the Health Informatics Accreditation Council (HIAC).
The committee reports to the AMIA Board and to the Education Committee and the HIAC chair will be a member of the education committee.
Informatician: E. LaVerne Manos, DNP, RN-BC
Governance Initiative Task Force Member
Chair Working Group 2 and 3
- Working Group 2: Value proposition for specific constituencies: Providers, Payers, Consumers
- Working Group 3: Office of the National Coordinator and Learning Health System relevant governance/standards information and monitoring.
June 2013, the Community launched its first formal initiative, the Essential Standards to Enable Learning (ESTEL) initiative, convened by Clinical Data Interchange Standards (CDISC). ESTEL is focused on the identification of the minimal standards - relating to system architecture, data transport, or data representation - needed to make the Learning Health System a functional resource that can improve the health of individuals and populations. Although it invokes matters of policy, ESTEL is primarily a technical initiative. To date, the ESTEL initiative has held four open meetings and made substantial progress.
As a complement to the technical focus of ESTEL, this second, Community initiative focuses on developing a policy framework for the governance of a national Learning Health System (LHS). This initiative will be convened by the highly respected North Carolina Healthcare Information and Communications Alliance (NCHICA).
The point of departure for the governance initiative will be several working assumptions about the structure of a national-scale LHS. These assumptions may change over the course of the deliberations, but as stated below, they will enable coherent and focused discussions to get underway.
- The national-scale LHS will be a structured, collaborative, multi-stakeholder effort: a system comprised of sub-systems bound together by a common policy and governance framework agreed to by any organization electing to participate and willing to be legally bound by the multi-party agreement that all parties must execute before participating.
- The sub-systems comprising the LHS will be heterogeneous, comprising all stakeholders in the nation's health sector, including but not restricted to: provider organizations, payer organizations, patient/consumer groups, research organizations, technology companies, professional associations, and government agencies including public health that can comply with the agreement that binds all participants to a common set of expectations and responsibilities.
- These heterogeneous entities will have different reasons for being part of the LHS. They will contribute in differing ways to the LHS and will derive differing benefits.
- In order to be stable and sustainable, the national LHS will require some form of governance, likely reflected in a compact or multi-party agreement that all sub-systems will formally endorse. Agreement to comply with the current version of the ESTEL standards will be a key component of this compact along with other standards, policies and procedures that will be a part of the structure. A draft of the agreement is expected to be the primary deliverable of the governance initiative.
- The governance initiative will view the LHS as an ultra-large scale system and will be one that enables growth, evolution, self-repair, and change.
- While these sub-systems themselves may consist of sub-sub-systems, the governance of the LHS will extend only to its own direct sub-systems but may need to take into account any chain-of-trust implications dependent on the data sharing work flow.
- The governance of a national LHS is expected to be a public-private partnership, not residing within the federal government.
Informatician: E. LaVerne Manos, DNP, RN-BC
Task Force: Task Force on Informatics-related Roles and Categorization
Charge: To develop a white/position paper that presents a structure, building upon prevailing definitions, for describing and categorizing the varying roles, functions and related certification needs among those working in the discipline of biomedical informatics or closely related fields.
Key Objectives:
- Describe at high level what training/knowledge distinguishes an informatician from a non-informatician
- Describe at high level what distinguishes a “practice-oriented” informatician from a “non-practice-oriented” informatician and how that relates to needs for accreditation of programs and certification of individuals
- Disseminate and share findings with the AMIA Academic Forum Task Force working on determination of certification planning for Informaticians to inform their efforts
Informatician: E. LaVerne Manos, DNP, RN-BC
The overall purpose of the Big Data Health IT Policy Group is to Better engage all nurses in Health IT policy efforts; To provide nurses with the education, tools and resources to equip them as knowledgeable advocates for policy efforts that are important to informatics and to nursing.
Proposed Key Tasks
- Identify existing and develop/modify relevent health IT policy-related educational tools and resources; make them available as a resource library for nurses
- Describe how to contact elected officials, including visits, calls email, website communication, and the value of establishing an ongoing relationship with elected official staffers
- Identify key advocacy/leadership opportunities
- Describe how to find federal rules open for coment (federal register), how to comment on rules, and the value of joining a professional organization's taskforce/process on commenting
- Develop fast track process for commenting
- Provide an overview of professional organizations and link to their policy activities/agendas (ANA, AMIA, HIMSS, etc.)
- Develop guide for faculty and perform outreach to key partners to influence curicula and equip them to include health IT policy related content for professional development, (AACN, NLN, etc)
- Identify existing processes to advance nursing policy efforts
- Advocate the ANA positin statement on the inclusion of recognized terminologies supporting nursing practice within electronic health record and other health information technology solutions
- Support the guiding principles for Big Data in nursing.
E. LaVerne Manos, DNP, RN-BC
Appointment project area is healthcare technology. The mission of the Midcontinent Region of the NLM is:
The mission two parts-the first addresses health professionals; the second addresses the public. The NN/LM is to advance the progress of medicine and improve the public health by developing programs to ensure that all U.S. health professionals have equal access to biomedical information. The NN/LM is to improve the public's access to information to enable them to make informed decisions about their health.
Goals Include:
- Developing collaborations among Network members and other organizations to improve access to and sharing of biomedical information resources throughout the nation;
- Promoting awareness of, access to, and use of biomedical information resources for health professionals and the public, with a particular emphasis on contributing to the Healthy People 2010 goal of eliminating health disparities;
- Developing, promoting, and improving electronic access to health information by Network members, health professionals, and organizations providing health information to the public;
- Understand how the products and services of the NN/LM and NLM contribute to improved access to health information by health professionals, and the public.