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Basic Science Requests

Letters of Support

To request a Letter of Support from the Biospecimen Repository Core Facility, use our REDCap form. The information you supply will be routed to the appropriate personnel.

Specimen/Data Requests

To streamline the process of requesting and billing for core services, we invite all facility users to use our iLab system. This requires a one-time registration as discussed below. Once you are registered, the system will enable you to place samples and histology service requests; provide required approvals; and monitor progress. Answers to frequently asked questions are available online

Internal/KU Medical Center Users

To get started, you must register for an account:

  1. Navigate to the Biospecimen Repository Core iLab Organizer.
  2. Click in the upper-right-hand corner of the screen where it says, 'Sign Up' and select the click here link for KUMC users.
  3. You will be directed to an authentication page where you will need to enter your KUMC Userid and password
  4. Once you have entered your credentials, click the 'sign in/sign up' button
  5. You will be directed to an iLab Registration page where you will need to select your PI/Lab, and verify your contact information
  6. Once your registration has been submitted, your PI will receive a notification that you have requested membership to their lab in iLab. They will need to approve your membership and assign any Speedtypes for your use.

To create a service request:

Once you have been accepted into your PI's lab and assigned a Speedtype, you can submit requests.

  1. Navigate to the Biospecimen Repository Core iLab Organizer
  2. Click in the upper right-hand of the page where it says, 'Login,' and select the click here link for KUMC users.
  3. Enter your Userid and password, and sign in.
  4. Select the Request Services tab and click on the 'Request Service' button next to the service of interest.
  5. Complete the appropriate request form as well as provide payment information for your request. Once complete you will be able to submit your request to the BRCF.
  6. Your request will be pending review by the BRCF. The core will add charges and submit it back to you for approval. Make sure to watch for an email from iLab regarding your updated project.

External/Non-KU Medical Center Users

To register for an account:

  1. Complete the registration form on the iLab sign-up page.
  2. Receive a Welcome Email from iLab (typically within one business day) with login credentials.
  3. Outside members who are not previously affliated with KUMC are required to fill out an Application for Special Service Account. If you need help with this, please contact the BRCF via email at

To create a service request:

Using your iLab login credentials, you can submit requests.

  1. Navigate to the Biospecimen Repository Core iLab Organizer.
  2. Click in the upper right hand of the page where it says, 'Login' and check the box for 'Login using iLab credentials' for Not a KUMC user.
  3. Enter the credentials received in your welcome email from iLab.
  4. Select the Request Services tab and click on the Request Service button next to the service of interest.
  5. Complete the appropriate request form.
  6. Your request will be pending review by the BRCF. The BRCF will add charges and submit it back to you for approval. Make sure to watch for an email from iLab regarding your updated project and be sure to provide payment information for your request before agreeing to the quote.
Biospecimen Repository

University of Kansas Medical Center
Biospecimen Repository Core Facility
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Wahl Hall West, G001
Kansas City KS 66160