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REDCap Surveys

What are surveys?

Surveys are an electronic way to capture data anonymously or identifiable. Surveys can be administered online, via email, social media, paper, mobile, telephone, and face-to-face. Surveys are flexible to be taken any time of day or night.

Enable Surveys

If you do not see a survey URL for your project

  1. Go to "Project Setup" tab
  2. Enable the "Use surveys in this project?" button, in the Main project settings box.
    Survey Enable Button
  1. Enable the instrument as a survey in the "Online Designer"|
    Online Designer Survey Enable
  1. Complete the "Survey Settings".
  2. Go to "Manage Survey participants" under Data Collection
    Manage Survey Participants screenshot
  1. Public Survey Link will have the URL listed.
    Public Survey Link

Survey Settings

Below are steps to edit instructions/title of the survey.

  1. Go to Project Setup>Online Designer
  2. Go to Survey Settings button
  3. Update the Title and instructions for the survey.
    Survey Settings Title/Instruction screen

Survey Auto Continue

Below are steps to auto-continue to next survey.

  1. Go to Project Setup>Online Designer
  2. Go to Survey Settings button
  3. Go to the bottom of the settings to the "Survey Termination Options:" and click on the Auto-Continue to next survey.|Survey Auto Continue screenshot

Survey Delete Record

How to delete a participant from the project.

Click on "Add/Edit Record" Add/Edit Records button under the "Data collection" section. Click on the record number from the drop-down list of either completed or partially completed records. Click on the button of the instrument in the Event of the record. (This is if you have a longitudinal project) 
Event grid w/arm screen

Bottom of the instrument will have the option to delete the participant. (This option is only visible if the user has delete options.)  

Survey Participant List Deletion

How to delete a participant from the Participant List. (These are participants that have not completed the survey)

Click on  "Manage Survey Participant List"
 Manage Survey Participants screen
under the "Data collection" section

Click on the "Participant List" tab. Participant List tab  Find the participant you would like to remove from the list.

Click on the "remove" link Remove Link button located in the last column, to delete the participant from the list.   

Click on "Remove" from the pop-up confirmation of action.

 Remove Participant screenshot  

A confirmation window will appear that the participant has been removed.

 Remove Participant Confirm screenshot  


The REDCap system has 1 starting link for all surveys. If the survey is the first instrument.

If the survey is not the first instrument. The Generic Link will not be visible if the first instrument is not a Survey. Also, survey participants cannot be added to the "Participant List" because they can only be added to an 'initial survey', that is, your first data collection instrument. If you have already enabled your first data collection instrument as a survey, you can select it from the drop-down list of surveys in the Participant List, after which the Add Participants button will no longer be disabled, and then you may click it to add more survey participants. If you have not enabled your first data collection instrument as a survey, you may do so on the Online Designer page.

Research Informatics

University of Kansas Medical Center
Research Informatics
Student Center, 3001C 
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City KS 66160 

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