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Consultations & Training


Are you developing a grant or proposal? Have funding? Seeking support for your thesis or dissertation? 

To begin discussions, please contact our data concierge with information about your request.

We will get back to you within three business days to discuss your project. 

In general, we provide consultation around the following topics: 

  • Building a clinical registry 
  • Data warehousing and data integration with electronic medical records and other systems 
  • Custom software development, knowledge management and informatics solutions 
  • Data management for clinical trials and integration with electronic medical records 

An initial meeting will be held to understand: 

  • Your goals from an informatics perspective 
  • Project feasibility, timeframes, design parameters, and expected outcomes. 
  • Resources needed for the project. 

Possible outcomes of the meeting: 

We mutually determine your team should use the available informatics systems and training. 

We work with you to develop your grant or proposal and the budget/approach for funding informatics services. 

We provide support for you, a KU Medical Center faculty or student, seeking to incorporate informatics into your research and career. If your research is aligned with our roadmap and objectives, we will discuss with your advisor the degree to which informatics and your department might support your research. 

You decide to work with us on your grant or proposal; we will develop a statement of work following one of two collaboration/service models.

Collaboration Service Models 

Fees for Service 

We offer an hourly fee-for-service for all informatics services. We will provide you with pricing information when responding to your inquiry. For custom project designs, the informaticians and investigators will discuss the complexity of the project and set a fixed time/cost on certain open-ended questions or underspecified requirements. We place a high value on transparency and attempt to provide accurate effort forecasting and use a software project management system for defining milestones, tasks, and time-tracking. 

Research Collaboration  

Our personnel are included as co-investigators on your grant applications. Staff time spent on a grant should be representative of the actual effort required to meet deliverables (in no case should staff effort be less than five percent).


We provide training to Frontiers investigators and KU Medical Center affiliates for our supported Research Informatics systems.


Introduction to REDCap and HERON
Beginner Training Clinics, Tuesdays 12 1 p.m. This is an introduction for new users or users needing a refresher. 
Sign up for HERON or REDCap Beginner Training

HERON Data Analysis using SQLite
This training clinic provides an introduction for investigators to using SQLite with a HERON dataset. It is mandatory to have HERON dataset on hand.
Sign up for HERON's SQLite Clinic Training

For Project Assistance
REDCap & HERON Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday 4-5 p.m., Friday 9-10 a.m.  This is not a beginner course; 15-20 min appointment to assist with specific questions.
Sign up for HERON or REDCap Project Assistance


EPIC O2 Training
To enroll in a class please use the online request form available from the HITS service portal MyIT. 

Once connected to the MyIT portal, choose:

  • Browse categories.
  • Anything O2
  • O2 Training and Access Request Form

Complete the request form using the instructions provided, remembering to change the "Request for" field to your employee's name. Once submitted, the request will be reviewed as appropriate, and you will be notified within 48 hours of required O2 training instructions or asked to provide additional information. In order to attend a class, you must enroll through this process. After enrolling you will receive a confirmation e-mail from Remedy on Demand with the location of the class.

O2 Training Calendar - Calendar (

Research Informatics

University of Kansas Medical Center
Research Informatics
Student Center, 3001C 
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City KS 66160 

Research and Project Requests: 
HERON and REDCap support: