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Rebecca D. Blanchard, PhD

Rebecca Blanchard portrait
Education Professor, Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine

Director, Director of Scholarship and Professional Development

Professional Background

Dr. Rebecca Blanchard is Director of Scholarship and Professional Development with the Zamierowski Institute for Experiential Learning, a partnership between The University of Kansas Health System and the University of Kansas Medical Center. She is also Education Professor at the University of Kansas School of Medicine. As a nationally recognized champion for developing health professions educators as scholars, Dr. Blanchard publishes and speaks nationally on topics in educational scholarship and faculty development. She taught for the national AAMC Medical Education Research Certificate program and served on national GEA Grants Committees. She is currently chair for the AAMC Northeast Group on Educational Affairs.

Dr. Blanchard has previously held leadership roles at OnlineMedEd and University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School – Baystate where she was Assistant Dean for Education and served on the leadership team which founded the 4-year Population-based Urban and Rural Community Health (PURCH) track. In 2015, as Senior Director for Education at Baystate Health, Dr. Blanchard established the Baystate Education Research and Scholarship of Teaching (BERST) Academy, an interprofessional community of over 200 employees gaining skills in health professions education. Dr. Blanchard received her B.S. in Mathematical Sciences from Bentley University and her M.Ed. and Ph.D. in Educational Research, Statistics, and Evaluation from the University of Virginia. She is also an Associate Certified Coach through the International Coaching Federation and provides academic and leadership coaching for women in the health professions.