Security Escort Service
KU Police Department offers a security escort service to employees, students, and visitors to and from residences, parking lots, and parking garages within the boundaries of Chester to the north, State Line Road to the east, 43rd Street to the south, and Fisher to the west (see map below).
- Policy is that if you have parked in a parking lot or your destination is on a shuttle route during normal shuttle operation hours (4:30am to 9:00am and 2pm to 8pm Monday - Friday for the Main Campus Blue Shuttle) then you should take the bus to your destination.
- Outside the normal shuttle operation hours, you may use the on demand service through the TapRide App which you can download from a link on the shuttle service web page. You would be picked up by either a shuttle bus or an escort vehicle depending on the time of day and day of week.
- Questions regarding shuttle service should directed to KU Parking Services at 913-588-5175 or use visit the shuttle service page for more information.
Escorts to locations off-campus are handled from 8pm to 6am Monday - Friday, and 24 hours a day on holidays and weekends within the boundaries of Chester to the north, State Line Road to the east, 43rd Street to the south, and Fisher to the west (see map below).
- To request a police escort, contact police dispatch at (913-588-5030); make sure to specify that you are asking for a security escort when making the request and to let dispatch know your current location and your destination.
- In order to expedite the service, the KU Hospital main entrance and Health Education Building (HEB) have been designated as the main escort pickup and dropoff points.
- Requests for escorts outside the established boundaries and times may be granted upon a supervisor's approval.
For personal safety when crossing 39th street, KU Police ask students and employees to try to use one of the skywalks whenever possible and refrain from using the ground level crosswalk on 39th street.
- Access to the hospital skywalk is located next to A.R. Dykes Library.
- Access to the HEB/Orr-Major Skywalk is located on the ground floor of the HEB, at the 39th street entrance.
Map of Police Escort Area (marked in blue)