Project Eagle Learning Tours
Did you know that nearly 40% of children in Wyandotte County live below poverty and that almost half experience one or more adverse childhood experiences?
These risk factors can lead to lower levels of school readiness, poor health outcomes and dismal long-term outcomes.
Our Mission and Vision
At Project Eagle, we envision a community where children's futures are determined by their interests and dreams - NOT by their circumstances. Project Eagle is promoting excellence in the field of early education by engaging families and preparing children for early learning and development success by responding to the unique needs of each participant. This includes sharing how talking, reading and looking at books in any language can boost child development.
Join Us for a Learning Tour
Learn more about the importance of the early education and family support services provided throughout Wyandotte County by Project Eagle. We offer one-hour Learning Tours several times throughout the year at the Children's Campus of Kansas City.
Learning Tour attendees will enjoy a short presentation, explore informational stations about our programs, tour our classrooms and learn about the many ways to get involved at Project Eagle.
Upcoming Tours
For the health and safety of our community, all tours are virtual at this time. To inquire about upcoming Project Eagle Learning Tours, please contact or follow us on Facebook to see upcoming tour dates.