Parking Policies, Procedures & Permit Fees
Policies and procedures governing traffic and parking on the roads, streets, driveways and parking facilities at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Effective May 15, 2019.
Parking Information
The general policies and procedures for vehicle parking at the University of Kansas Medical Center were developed to provide as equitable an assignment of parking privileges as possible and a maximum use of all parking areas consistent with the best interests of the entire population at the medical center, including employees, students, patients and visitors.
1.0 . The University of Kansas, through the Board of Regents and its administrative officers, may, by state law, establish parking policies and procedures.
Kansas Statutes Annotated (K.S.A.) Sections 74-3209 through 74-3216 authorize the Board of Regents to promulgate regulations for the control of parking and traffic for separate campus of the University of Kansas Medical Center of Kansas City, the Westwood Cancer Center, Fairway North and the Clinical Research Center from here on referred to collectively as “the University of Kansas Medical Center”.
Kansas Administrative Regulations, Chapter 88, Article 4, provides for regulations, governing traffic and parking on the roads, streets, driveways, and parking facilities at the state colleges and universities. The state budget does not provide funds for support of Parking Services and must, therefore, be self-supporting.
Any vehicle operated on the property of the University of Kansas Medical Center is subject to all policies governing parking at the institution.
The chancellor of the University of Kansas or their designated representative is empowered to create, modify, or preempt parking in controlled areas of the campus. The operation of a vehicle on the University of Kansas Medical Center property is a privilege granted by the university and is not an inherent right of any faculty/staff member, student or visitor. The following regulations are intended to facilitate the work of the faculty, staff and visitors through control of the parking and movement of vehicles while on campus.
Permit holders at the University of Kansas Medical Center may have similar parking privileges on the Lawrence and Wichita campuses as indicated by the type of permit registered to their vehicle.
To be valid, a vehicle’s license plate must be registered at and must be clearly visible and displayed on the vehicle in the prescribed manner. Any student, faculty or staff member, or other person with university business who wishes to regularly park a vehicle on property owned or controlled by the University of Kansas Medical Center must purchase a parking permit. Vehicles must be parked in a designated space. The fact that one vehicle is parked in such a manner as to occupy more than one parking space is not an acceptable excuse for another operator to do the same.
- Fliers or advisements cannot be posted on vehicles parked in the University of Kansas Medical Center controlled parking areas.
- The type of permit determines parking privileges. Areas for parking are indicated on the university maps included with these regulations and in the parking areas by signs. In all cases of conflict, signs and markings should be presumed to be correct and will take precedence over any conflicting parking map designation. It is not possible to mark with signs or paint all areas where parking is prohibited. All areas not specifically designated for parking shall be considered "No Parking" zones.
- Finding authorized space: The responsibility of finding an authorized parking space rests with the driver. Lack of parking space, mechanical problems, inclement weather conditions or other disabilities are not considered valid excuses for violation of traffic and parking regulations.
- Space availability: A parking permit does not guarantee the holder a parking space only an opportunity to park within a specified zone.
- Enforcement: Failure of the university to strictly enforce any parking regulation shall not be construed as a waiver for the future enforcement of the regulation.
2.0 The University of Kansas Medical Center maintains various types of parking facilities to meet the needs of faculty, staff, employees and students. These include designated zone permit lots, time-controlled spaces, and facilities controlled by gates. A parking permit does not imply or guarantee a specific parking space and parking privileges may be modified or preempted by the authority of the chancellor of the university. The university assumes no responsibility for security of vehicles or their contents, while moving or parked in the areas subject to university jurisdiction.
- Employees/faculty, contractors and students are prohibited from parking in any patient/visitor reserved areas unless specifically authorized by the issued campus permit or requested via the special permit request found in each person’s online parking account at
2.1 Application for Parking: Parking privileges at the University of Kansas, Kansas City campus are determined as follows:
Assignment of parking area is based upon:
- The Joint Oversight Governance Committee has established that the following hierarchy is to be utilized for the prioritization of parking in addition to campus seniority.
Years of service
Exec Leadership
>20.00 years
10.00-19.99 years
5.00-9.99 years
3.00-4.99 years
2.00-2.99 years
1.00-1.99 years
0.75-0.99 years
0.50-0.74 years
0.25-0.49 years
0.00-0.24 years
- Residents automatically receive a P5 permit.
- Students have space allocated in every zone and garage except the Chapel, P1, and P3.
- P2, P3 nor the Chapel lot are included on a wait list as they are only authorized for special circumstances by the HEO and/or EVC Office. To be placed on the P1 waitlist, please email .
- Wait List: Each surface lot zone and garage will have an individual wait list. When a space becomes available in an upgraded parking area, the process will to be apply the hierarchy analytics in conjunction with the seniority listing to determine who is eligible to move.
- Based upon the analytics, Parking Services will identify the senior-most parker on the list eligible to move to the upgraded parking
- The parker will be notified by email or telephone of the availability to upgrade
- The parker will have six working days to accept the upgrade
- After six working days, the next most senior monthly parker will be notified, and the process will continue until the space is accepted.
Each vehicle operated or parked on the University of Kansas Medical Center property by any student, faculty member, staff member, must display a valid registered license plate which is said parking permit. To register, go to Only one vehicle per account may be on campus at a time. Violation of this could result in revocation of parking privileges. There is no free parking on campus.
The Parking Services Department reserves the right to alter or revoke permit assignments as the needs of the individual or the University of Kansas Medical Center community change. Falsification of any information for the purpose of obtaining a parking permit or repeated violations of rules and regulations may result in the forfeiture of all parking permits, and parking fees paid.
2.2 Parking permits: Parking assignees shall, upon payment of the scheduled fee, receive authorization to parking in a specific zone or garage. A parking permit entitles the assignee to park only in the specific zone or garage designated by the permit except after 5pm – 7am M-F, weekends and holidays when all surface lot zones, while still requiring a valid permit, will accommodate any valid permit.
Surface lot permit holders are prohibited from parking in the P2 - (formerly known as Olathe II) from 6 a.m. Monday through 10 p.m. Friday, and P3 - 24 hours a day/seven days a week. The only exception is identified under 3.1 of the Policies and Procedures.
All gated garage Permit Parking is accessible only by authorized badge. It is a violation to grant access to enter or exit a garage for any person or vehicle which is not their own. Using an authorized badge in this manner constitutes a falsification of information and could result in the termination of parking privileges.
2.3 Medical Parking: Faculty, staff, or students who require a parking accommodation should provide a statement from their attending physician to This statement is to include a time frame of requested accommodation.
2.4 Disabled Parking Permit: Disabled Parking is by state issued license plate or hang tag.
P2, P3 and P5 garages: Vehicles bearing a state-issued ADA disabled permit may park in these garages without a campus permit, but will be assessed a fee as listed in the Parking Fee Structure Table when exiting.
2.5 Motorcycle Parking Permit: These permits authorize use of space specifically designated for motorcycles only in lot areas set aside and marked for motorcycle parking. Motorcycles are not allowed in the parking garages or non-designated surface lots due to safety.
2.6 Veteran's with Distinctive License Plate for Disabled Veterans; K.S.A 8-161, Section (c) (2) (C) In accordance with K.S.A. 8-161, Section (c)(2)(C) veterans with the Distinctive License Plate for Disabled Veterans may park for free only in parking areas where an attendant is collecting payment.
Therefore, when an attendant is present, veteran's whose vehicle displays a Distinctive License Plate for Disabled Veterans will not incur a fee.
2.6 Multiple Car Permit: Up to three vehicles may be registered under one account. Only one vehicle is permitted on campus at a time. One or both vehicles are subject to ticketing and towing if not in compliance with policy.
2.7 Special permits: A special permit is for when a registered employee is a patient. They must register online at for the amount of time and specific day in which they are a patient. They will then be authorized to park as a patient for the duration of their appointment or stay as a patient; paying all applicable daily visitor fees as listed in the Parking Fee Structure Table. If a long-term situation occurs, please contact so that appropriate accommodation may be offered.
3.0 Patient/Visitor Parking: Patients and visitors to the University of Kansas Medical Center, Kansas City campus, are requested to park in the designated garages which are:
- P2 – 2070 Olathe Blvd Kansas City, KS 66160
- P3 - 4008 Cambridge Street Kansas City, KS 66160
- P5 - 3724 Cambridge Street Kansas City, KS 66160
3.1 The University's Patient/Visitor Validation Program – Patient/Visitor parking is available in the parking facilities at a reduced rate. A ticket validation is required from the clinic visited to receive the reduced rate. The validation will either be a bar code coupon adhered directly on the ticket or provided via bar code scanner. Employees and students are restricted from parking in the patient/visitor parking facilities and do not qualify for the reduced parking rate. The exception would be if a bona-fide patient appointment exists and they are registered online in advance via the special permit request found in each permit holder account at
Employees and students must exit the parking facility immediately following the clinic appointment. Only bona-fide patients being treated in our clinics are eligible for a reduced parking rate for the time they are being seen in the clinic. No one should have his or her parking ticket validated; unless he or she has an appointment on the day of his or her visit to the clinic. Violators abusing the university's Validation Program are subject to fines and/or administrative sanctions.
Billing Validations are available to departments. Parking fees associated with the use of the billing validation stamps are charged to each respective department monthly.
3.2 Hospital Emergency Room parking: Parking adjacent to the Emergency Room is limited. Only persons being treated in the Emergency Room are allowed to park in this area. Parking is available 24 hours a day.
3.3 Traffic regulations: The speed limit on campus streets is 20 miles per hour, 5 miles per hour in parking lots unless posted otherwise.
3.4 Time-regulated parking: Time-regulated parking is restricted to patient and visitor use and is enforced from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday and open to all parkers after those hours and on weekends with the knowledge that the time restriction remains enforced on a basis of 24/7, 365 days per year. Time-regulated spaces are enforced throughout the day with the possibility of issuance of multiple tickets.
3.5 Loading zone: Certain areas of the campus are designated as loading zones and are identified by signs. Use of a loading area requires departmental pass or notification to Parking Services. Loading areas are restricted 24 hours a day, every day of the year.
3.6 Classification of Lots: Signs are posted at the entrance of each parking area giving the designation. Parking is restricted to vehicles with permits which authorize parking in that area. Vehicles shall be parked within a marked stall, not extending over a marked division indication when parking bumpers are not present. All zone surface lots are available to current permitted parkers after 5 p.m. Monday through Friday excluding those that reserved for patients via signage or those areas regulated by signage. Surface lots are also available on weekends and all state holidays to current permitted parkers.
3.7 Classification of Parking Permits: Subject to modification, the parking permit classifications and parking privileges are shown for the University of Kansas Medical Center campuses only. All zones are posted by signs.
3.8 Restricted areas: Restricted areas are restricted 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Restricted parking areas are as follows: All loading zones, all specially signed parking areas, all roadways and all disabled and all patient parking areas.
3.9 License Plate Must Be Visible at All Times from the Drive Lane: When parking, the license plate of the vehicle must be displayed and visible to the drive lane closest to the vehicle at all times.
3.10 No Ticket on Vehicle: If you park illegally but do not find a ticket on your vehicle, do not assume that you were not ticketed. Tickets can become detached from windshield. You are responsible for any ticket registered to your permit or vehicle.
3.11 Bicycles: Any person operating a bicycle shall observe all signs and control signals applicable to motor vehicles. Bicycles shall be parked in or immediately adjacent to the bicycle racks provided. They shall not be parked on lawns, sidewalks, chained to trees, light poles, fences, benches, etc. Bicycles considered to be abandoned will be removed by cutting the locking device, if necessary, and impounded by the university of kansas medical center police department.
4.0 Responsibility for Offenses: The persons in whose name a motorized vehicle is titled shall be responsible for all violations identified to the vehicle.
4.1 City violations: Kansas City, Kan., and Kansas City, Mo., city ordinances cover specified standing or parking violations on city streets within and around the University of Kansas Medical Center. These ordinances are enforced by the respective cities and are in addition to any university rules and regulations.
4.2 Overparking in area or space regulated by a university time-regulated space: Fine: $20.
4.3 Group II University Violations. Fine: $50
- No permit
- Expired permit
- Wrong zone
- Vehicle not within marked parking stall.
- Parking in an area not specifically designated for or designated as a parking area for motor vehicles.
- Parked in a restricted area.
- Parked on the wrong side of street facing traffic.
- Illegally parked in a loading zone.
- License plate must be visible at all times from the drive lane
- Other (for warning or special circumstance).
- Miscellaneous
4.4A Group III-A University Violations. Fine: $50
- Blocking drive, roadway, or legally parked vehicles
- Restricting normal flow of traffic
- Parking in designated fire lane
- Vehicle parked adjacent to fire hydrant
- Illegally parked in emergency vehicle area
- MTC both vehicles on campus
4.4B Group III-B University Violations. Fine $150
- Employee and student in patient and visitor areas, including surface lot spaces reserved for patients - Restricted 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
4.5 Group V University Violations. Fine $200
- Illegally parked in space designated for the disabled.
5.0 Payment of fines. Violation fees are payable at the Parking Services office either in person, via credit/debit card, or through our online parking ticket portal . Payments of violations must be received within 10 days after the day on which the violation was dated. Learn more about how to pay a parking fine .
5.1 Late payment of fines: Late payment occurs if the fine is not received by the 10th calendar day after issuance of the violation notice. Late payment of violation fees could result in the levy of an additional $50 penalty for each violation.
5.2 First Citation (Excluding ADA and Fire lane violations): The goal of the campus enforcement program is for understanding and compliance so that quality parking may be provided for all patients, visitors and constituents. Therefore, with acknowledgement of the cause of the citation and expressed understanding, the campus policy regarding the first citation (excluding ADA and fire lane violations) is to approve the appeal as a learning opportunity.
5.3 Excessive unpaid violations: Excessive violations exist whenever four or more citation notices have been posted to the record of the person in whose name a motorized vehicle is titled, and the fines have not been paid or appealed. Parking any vehicle on campus property after having four or more unpaid violation notices is in violation of these regulations. The vehicle is subject to impoundment and removal from the campus upon the fourth violation. In addition, the Parking Services Department may revoke the privileges of operating a vehicle on the University of Kansas Medical Center.
5.4 Towing and impoundment of vehicles:
a) Vehicles found on campus and ticketed four times without a valid University parking permit will be towed. Removal shall be made irrespective of the knowledge that said vehicle belongs to or is operated by a person or persons eligible for the University of Kansas Medical Center parking permit privileges.
b) Any vehicle registered or unregistered which because of its physical condition is deemed a safety hazard to other vehicles and/or pedestrians will be towed.
c) Any vehicle, even though it has a valid parking permit, not moved from the lot or garages where it was parked for a period of seven days without the permission of the University of Kansas Medical Center Parking Services Department will be towed.
Vehicles may be towed from campus at any time if they interfere with the efficient operation of the traffic and parking at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Group III and IV university violations subject a vehicle to removal from the campus and impoundment. Violations are posted to the record of the person in whose name a motorized vehicle is titled or in the name of the person who has registered the vehicle with Parking Services. Any motor vehicle that has broken down on the University of Kansas Medical Center property must be reported immediately to the University of Kansas Medical Center Parking Services Department. Major repairs to vehicles on the University of Kansas Medical Center property are prohibited. All charges for towing and/or storage are the responsibility of the individual.
Vehicles subject to and pending tow will be issued a tow warning. You must contact the Parking Office within 48 hours or the date of the notice affixed to your vehicle. If contact is not made within 48 hours, your vehicle will be towed and impounded when sighted on campus.
5.5: Collection procedures
If an employee owes fines that are past due 90 days, Parking Services shall begin collection action as established by the state of Kansas, the Board of Regents and the University of Kansas Medical Center.
6.0 Appeal procedure: To dispute a parking citation, a written appeal must be submitted to the Parking Services office within 10 days of receiving the citation or submitted online here . A Parking Appeals Committee will adjudicate written appeals.
If the appeal is denied by the Parking Appeals Committee, the appellant may request a review by the full Parking Committee. If the violation notice is denied by the Committee, the applicable fee must be paid on the 10th calendar day following the decision of the Committee. Appeal decisions by the Full Parking Committee are final.
For Parking Permits, in 2024 there will be a 5% rate increase for the annual parking rate.
Parking Services and Transportation, part of the University of Kansas Medical Center, is a self-funding department in which all fees are reinvested in the main campus. A major investment just completed including $1.2 million in concrete repairs in the P1 and P2 garages.
Questions? Contact Kevin Rowald, director of KUMC Parking Services and Transportation.
The University of Kansas Medical Center Employees, Students and Vendors
Surface Lot | Inventory | Effective July 2024 | Annual Change | % Change |
Zone 1 -Kirmayer | 227 | $563 | $27 | 5% |
Zone 2 - Eaton Street | 717 | $563 | $27 | 5% |
Zone 3 - Rainbow and 36th | 796 | $342 | $16 | 5% |
Zone 4 - Support Services | 124 | $342 | $16 | 5% |
Zone 5 - Francis Street | 299 | $175 | $8 | 5% |
Zone 6 - Booth Street | 674 | $175 | $8 | 5% |
Zone 10 – CRC/Fairway North | 220 | $342 | $27 | 5% |
Zone 12 - Fairway North | 100 | $175 | $8 | 5% |
TUKHS pays KUMC $167 annually for each TUKHS employee day permit, therefore, the effective rate is lowered.
The University of Kansas Medical Center Employees, Students and Vendors
Garage | Inventory | Effective July 2024 | Annual Change | % Change |
P1 - Olathe | 583 | $1,153 | $55 | 5% |
P3 - Cambridge Reserved | 23 | $1,876 | $89 | 5% |
P4 - Bluff | 960 | $805 | $38 | 5% |
P5 | 2,069 | $805 | $38 | 5% |
Night Rate - All Garages | $443 | $21 | 5% |
Payroll deduction is required if available.
The University of Kansas Health System Employees
Surface Lot | Inventory | Effective July 2024 | Annual Change | % Change |
Zone 1 -Kirmayer | 227 | $388 | $19 | 5% |
Zone 2 - Eaton Street | 717 | $388 | $19 | 5% |
Zone 3 - Rainbow and 36th | 796 | $167 | $8 | 5% |
Zone 4 - Support Services | 124 | $167 | $8 | 5% |
Zone 5 - Francis Street | 299 | $0 | $0 | 0% |
Zone 6 - Booth Street | 674 | $0 | $0 | 0% |
Zone 10 – CRC/Fairway North | 220 | $167 | $8 | 5% |
Zone 12 - Fairway North | 100 | $0 | $0 | 0% |
4601 Rainbow | 146 | $0 | $0 | 0% |
TUKHS pays KUMC $175 annually for each TUKHS employee day permit, therefore, the effective rate is lowered.
The University of Kansas Health System Employees
Garage | Inventory | Effective July 2024 | Annual Change | % Change |
P1 - Olathe | 583 | $978 | $47 | 5% |
P3 - Cambridge Reserved | 23 | $1,701 | $81 | 5% |
P4 - Bluff | 960 | $630 | $30 | 5% |
P5 | 2,069 | $630 | $30 | 5% |
Night Rate - All Garages | $268 | $13 | 5% |
Payroll deduction is required if available.
TUKHS pays KUMC $175 annually for each TUKHS employee day permit, therefore, the effective rate is lowered.
Patient/Visitor Parking Daily Rates
Garage Daily Parking Rates Effective July 1, 2024
Parking duration | Cost |
0-30 minutes | $ - |
31-45 minutes | $1.00 |
46 minutes - 1 hour | $2.00 |
1 hour- 1:15 | $3.00 |
1:16- 1:30 hours | $4.00 |
1:31-1:45 hours | $5.00 |
1:46-2 hours | $6.00 |
2:01 - 24 hours | $7.00 |
7.1 Time Regulated Spaces: In accordance with posted signage.
7.2 Statutory Authorization
Kansas Statutes Annotated (K.S.A.) Sections 74-3209 through 74-3216 authorize the Board of Regents to promulgate regulations for the control of parking and traffic on the University of Kansas Medical Center of Kansas City and Wichita campus and to establish misuse fees for violations of the regulations. Kansas Administrative Regulations, Chapter 88, Article 4, provides for regulations, governing traffic and parking on the roads, streets, driveways, and parking facilities at the state colleges and universities. The state budget does not provide funds for support of Parking Services and must, therefore, be self-supporting.
7.3 Shuttle and Escort Services
For up-to-date schedule and service information please visit the Shuttle Service page
Parking Services Office Hours:
7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday - Friday
Closed weekends and holidays
P5 Parking Garage
3724 Cambridge Street
Kansas City, Kansas 66160-7130
Phone: 913-588-5175