Career Development
We offer a variety of workshops, programs and resources to support our current students and faculty, as well as continuing education opportunities for health care professionals in Kansas and beyond.
At every point in your academic or professional career, KU Medical Center offers professional development training and experiences to further your learning.
Continuing Education for Medical Professionals
A premier source of continuing education opportunities for Kansas doctors and other health care professionals, the Office of Continuing Education and Professional Development hosts an array of events each month.
Career Planning for Graduate Students and Postdocs
Modeled after the NIH BEST model of training, the ASCEND program provides graduate students and postdoctoral trainees at KU Medical Center the opportunity to explore diverse career options and build the skills to successfully launch the next phase of their careers.
Research and Clinical Observational Experiences
As part of the KU Medical Center Educational Experience, also known as KEE, opportunities exist within both the research and clinical aspects of health care. Individuals can see first-hand what these careers entail so they may make informed decisions on whether to consider further study or employment.
Pipeline Programs for Training in Health Care and STEM
K-PATHS provides potential visitors a starting point for identifying and navigating the many opportunities to learn more about health care, research, science or administration. Many of these experiences are short-term, unpaid positions but can lead to internship options.