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External Advisory Committee (EAC)

The major responsibilities of the External Advisory Committee are to give advice and guidance to the Internal Advisory Committee concerning research career opportunities in academia, to monitor program administration and to make recommendations regarding programmatic offerings to ensure they are consistent with the training objectives. 

The EAC convenes at KU Medical Center during the retreat for meetings with the trainees and faculty, to attend a mini-symposium and to develop recommendations for improving the program. The EAC is composed of three individuals from outside the University of Kansas who have had extensive experience in neuroscience and rehabilitation science graduate training programs.  Members of the EAC are:

  • David Fuller, Ph.D., University of Florida, Professor, Department of Physical Therapy, Gainesville, FL
  • Catherine Lang, PT, Ph.D., Washington University, Professor of Physical Therapy, Neurology, Occupational Therapy, Associate Director, Movement Science Program, St. Louis, MO
  • Eric Perreault, Ph.D., Northwestern University, Professor of Biomedical Engineering, Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Associate Dean, Chicago, IL


Neurological and Rehabilitation Sciences Training

University of Kansas Medical Center
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Kansas City. KS 66160