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Mary L. Thiessen, M.D.

Mary Thiessen
Clinical Assistant Professor, Emergency Medicine

Professional Background

Dr. Mary Thiessen is Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine at the University of Kansas Hospital. She has both community-practice and academic emergency medicine experience. She is the head instructor for the emergency medicine residents' Oral Board training during their three years of residency.
Dr. Thiessen received her medical degree from the University of Kansas and proceeded to complete her Emergency Medicine residency at The University of Arizona Health Science in Tucson. Her areas of interest include traumatic brain injury (TBI) and Oral Board preparation for emergency medicine residents.

Education and Training
  • BA, Univ. of Notre Dame
  • MD, Univ. of Kansas-Medical Ctr.
  • Residency, Emergency Medicine, University of Arizona School of Medicine, Tucson, AZ
Licensure, Accreditations & Certifications
  • American Board of Emergency Medicine
  • Kansas State Board of Healing Arts
Professional Affiliations
  • Airway Committee, Member, 2018 - Present
  • Rapid Response /Code Blue Committee, Member, 2013 - Present
  • American Academy of Emergency Medicine, Member, 2006 - Present
  • American College of Emergency Physicians, Member, 2003 - Present

  • Thiessen, Mary., L, Woolridge, Dale., P. 2006. Pediatric Minor Closed Head Injury. Pediatric Clinics of North America, 53, 1-26
  • Thiessen, Mary., L. 2008. Closed Head Injury. Emergency Medicine's Top Pediatric Clinical Problems (1), 31-36