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Working collaboratively with the schools and campus support units, the Teaching & Learning Technologies (TLT) and Media & Classroom Support departments provide KUMC faculty, staff, students, and community with leadership and support for the successful integration of new and existing educational technology into KUMC learning environments--both in the classroom and at a distance. 


KUMC is a recognized leader in using technology to enrich and transform the teaching and learning experience. KUMC faculty, staff, students, and community have dependable access to core teaching and learning technologies as well as the knowledge, skills, and support to be successful with those tools. They are also aware of promising new technologies, and they have both the technical and pedagogical support to explore and evaluate the educational possibilities of these tools. As these technologies mature, those with the greatest potential to enhance teaching and learning are integrated into our core technologies, establishing a pattern of innovation and success.

Teaching and Learning Technologies

TLT-Ed Tech:
Submit Support Ticket
TLT-Testing Services: 
TLT-IT Training Services:
Media & Classroom Support (formerly TLT-Media):
913-588-7326, tlt‑