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Trainee Elevator Pitches

We are no longer accepting elevator pitch slides.  However, if you already submitted your slide and you have questions, please reach out to our Trainee Elevator Pitch Organizer, Esteban Dominguez,

This session will take place on Thursday, November 7, from 2:00-3:00 pm in the Health Education Building, Rm B104 (KUMC Campus).

What is an Elevator Pitch?  Science communication is a critically important skill that can help you effectively distill your message, which is often the importance of your research and how it benefits others/society.  An elevator pitch is a concise, clear explanation of your research that can be easily understood by non-experts. Consider including information about the big scientific question you or your lab is focused on answering, or the potential impact of your work.  An elevator pitch should not include data or be considered a “mini presentation” – instead, it should be engaging and focus on your broad scientific topic.     

For more information you may use the following links:

Elevator Pitches for Scientists: What, When, Where and How

Elevator Pitches - Harvard Writing Center

Order First Name Last Name Elevator Pitch Title
1 Shamsun Nahar How MIG-6 suppressing Endometrial Cancer Associated with PTEN Deficiency?
2 Mikaela Simon Follistatin like 3 modulation of trophoblast cell development and hemochorial placentation
3 Jacob Pru Estrogen Receptor Alpha Regulates Uterine Epithelial Fate Specification and Homeostasis Through Retinoic Acid (RA) Signaling
4 Lan Wu Germ cell-specific deletion of Stra8 leads to meiotic arrest
5 Ruth Opoku Maternal Myostatin Deficiency Modulates Placental and Fetal Growth
6 Mahfuz Adnan DUSP9 Involvement in Development of the Hemochorial Placenta
7 Seyedhossein Hosseinirad Loss of Mig-6 in Endometriotic Lesions Leads to Infertility in Mouse Model of Endometriosis.
8 Paige Minchella Consequences of Early Life Stress
9 Ella Orlando Assessing the role of DNA double-strand breaks in primary oocyte senescence
10 Wonmi So Protection of Primordial Follicles Regulates Ovarian Vasculature in Mice under Chemotherapy
11 Ashley Teate Effect of maternal age on the cortical actin layer and associated endoplasmic reticulum clusters in murine oocytes
12 Bhawna Kushawaha A Novel Mouse Model to Identify the Critical Role of Dax1 in Sex Development
13 Regan Scott Cdkn1c and other cell cycle regulators promote extravillous trophoblast cell differentiation.
14 Arturo Matamoros Super-resolution imaging reveals PKA remodeling during mouse sperm capacitation
15 Purbasa Dasgupta PRMT1 equipoises epigenetic regulation in trophoblast progenitors to prevent early pregnancy losses
16 Hector Nava Trujillo Understanding the consequence of loss-of-imprinting in bovine fetal development and its relationship to in vitro embryo production
17 Sri Dangudubiyyam Endothelial PAS Domain-Containing Protein 1 Involvement in Hemochorial Placental Development
18 Jeffery Erickson A Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) Inhibitor shows potential for a non-hormonal contracpetive method
19 Savannah Speckhart Leukemia Inhibitory Factor Receptor Signaling is an Important Contributor to the Regulation of Hemochorial Placental Development
20 Loan Thi Kim Nguyen Effect of NCOR1 Loss on Implantation and Decidualization.
21 Brittany Martinez Preventing cleft palate by manipulating the maternal environment
22 Truman Poteat The Effects of GDM on Placental Vasculature
23 Ming Huang Stra8: A Suppressor of Autophagy in Mammalian Germline and Neuronal Cells
24 Keun cheon Kim The effect of cholesterol synthesis inhibitors on metastasis and recurrence of endometrial cancer
25 Mumtarin Jannat Oishee Sperm Specific Na,K-ATPase a4 is involved in sperm bioenergetics
26 Kameron  Hahn Trophoblast Energy Metabolism: Implications for Placental Complications
27 Riley Peterson Investigating the involvement of a Rest mediated tissue remodeling pathway in connection to risk factors of adenomyosis
28 Sawyer Smith SNAI1 serves as a conserved regulator of  trophoblast cell-guided events at the uterine-placental interface
29 Namrata Roy WWTR1 Controls Human Extravillous Trophoblast Development by Governing Mitochondrial Integrity and Function
30 Anna Galligos Governing Mitochondrial Integrity and Function
31 Skylar Bird Putting the Debate to REST: Epigenetic Regulation of Estrogen Receptor
32 Rana Aliani CCN3 as a Potential Biomarker for Endometrial Cancer
33 Amirhossein Abazarikia Oocyte death is triggered by the stabilization of TAp63α dimers in response to cisplatin
34 Asef Jawad Niloy Intermediate conductance calcium activated potassium channel is critical to balance trophoblast development during human placentation
35 Esteban Dominguez Role of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma on Trophoblast Cell Invasion and Placenta Development
Greenwald Symposium

University of Kansas Medical Center
Greenwald Symposium
3901 Rainbow Boulevard
Mailstop 3050
Kansas City, KS 66160