Sponsors, Organizing Committee and Support
- NIH Conference Grant R13 HD083029 to Dr. Katherine F. Roby
- Society for the Study of Reproduction
- School of Medicine Bohan Visiting Professor Program
- Peter G. Smith, PhD and Ellen P. Averett, PhD, MHSA
- Richard D. Peppler, PhD and Patricia Grisnik Peppler
Organizing Committee
- Katherine F. Roby, PhD (Chair)
Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology - Warren Nothnick, PhD
Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology - Soumen Paul, PhD
Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine - Michele Pritchard, PhD
Associate Professor of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Therapeutics - Lane Christenson, PhD
Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology - Vargheese Chennathukuzhi, PhD
Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology - Irfan Saadi, PhD
Associate Professor of Cell Biology and Physiology - Diana Najera
Graduate Student - Ming Huang
Graduate Student - Savannah Speckhart, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow - Brittany Martinez, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow
Administrative Support
- Stacy Oxley
Associate Director of Administration - Brandi Miller
Grant Manager
We are also very grateful to our volunteers who have contributed their time and energy to help make the symposium a continued success. THANK YOU!