Welcome to the Faculty Activity Collaboration Tool (FACT) Website! This website will provide you with information about FACT. FACT, is a software product from Digital Measures that is used by KUMC to improve the current processes for faculty data collection by providing an online repository. This provides an easier and more efficient way for the Schools of Health Professions, Medicine and Nursing, to manage large reporting processes in a less time-consuming manner.
FACT allows KUMC faculty to collect, organize, and display their research, teaching and service data for the purposes of annual reviews, specialized reports such as curriculum vita, bio sketch, training grants tables and web pages. Faculty now have the capability to use customizable options and may choose to include narratives, syllabus, and attachments. Through FACT, you can quickly respond to requests for information from institutions and organizations about faculty activity in a particular area.
FACT has been the faculty activity reporting system since 2017. Administrators and faculty have been entering information directly into FACT since the software was launched. This project has helped KUMC tailor a leading software solution to our specific needs in order to take our information and our campus to the next level.
Data Confidentiality
The Confidentiality of Information in FACT is governed by Faculty Senate Rules and Regulations Article VII.
Why Use FACT?
Currently, faculty activity data are collected in various formats by faculty multiple times a year for reports at the individual, department/center or university level. Multiple data entry is time-consuming and leads to errors and inconsistent data. FACT allows faculty to enter their information once, and access their information anytime, from anywhere in the world through KUMC's web-based portal using the secure sign-on process.
KUMC implemented FACT from a vendor known as Digital Measures. The company has successfully implemented their software in over 600 campuses similar to KUMC. FACT provides a secure database environment, resources to develop reports, expert knowledge, and access to a community of higher education users. KUMC purchased licenses to use the software that is custom-designed to track, organize, manage and report on faculty teaching, research and service activities to internal and external constituents.