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Find Books & Journals

 A.R. Dykes Library provides access to many health sciences books and journals.


To search for articles related to your topic, use one of our databases such as PubMed, CINAHL Complete, Embase, Google Scholar, PsycINFO, or Web of Science. You can view all our databases on our databases list. To learn more about using databases effectively, visit our Databases How-To Guide.

When searching our databases you should expect to see our Find It! buttons.

Dykes Library larger Find It! button image  Dykes Library small Find It! button image

Clicking these will take you to a new page with options to obtain the full-text article, as shown below. You will need to authenticate using your myKUMC credentials if you are off campus.

Find It! available citation example.

If we have a subscription to the article you will see a link to Get Article.

The information button () reveals a link to the journal and the dates of coverage that Dykes Library has available.

The Show more full-text options reveals additional ways to access this journal.

If there's something not working as expected, use the Report a Problem link at the bottom of this page.

Find It! not available citation example.

If we don't have access to the article, you will see a link to Request this item from our interlibrary loan service.

You will also see the option to Search the Catalog for this journal. This link will open a new tab and will search our print collection for the journal.

If you already have an article citation, use our Citation Linker to locate the article within our collection. After entering in at least one of the required fields, click the Find It! button at the bottom. Just like the Find It! pages shown in the table above, you will be presented with options to access the full text or request it through interlibrary loan. You will need to authenticate using your myKUMC credentials if you are off campus.
Please contact us to ask a question if you need more help.

Citation Linker Page Example

If you know the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) or the PMID (PubMed Identifier) then you can enter either of those numbers into the respective search box of the E-Journal Finder, as highlighted below.

What is DOI? Example DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.15.2752
What is PMID? Example PMID: 32881

Please contact us to ask a question if you need more help.

Search by DOI or PMID.


The best way to search for E-Journals is by using our E-Journal Finder. You may search using the journal title, ISSN, or you may browse by title or medical subject category. The results list will show the dates covered by our journal subscriptions.

Please contact us to ask a question if you need more help.

Searching in E-Journal Finder.

You may use the library catalog to search for specific journals.

To narrow your result list to online journals, select the Journals and Online checkboxes in the Format and KUMC Library Location filter lists on the results page. You can view the journal content by clicking the "Online Access" link on the record. Note that in some cases we will not have access to current issues of the journals listed.

Select Journal and Online filters in library catalog.


The best way to search for E-Books is by using our E-Book Finder. You may search using the book title, ISBN, or medical subject category

Most of our E-Books are available via the following resources:

  • AccessMedicine is an online resource that provides books, study tools, multimedia and quick-reference materials for students, health professionals, and physicians.
  • ClinicalKey is an electronic library that, among other resources, provides access to Elsevier's current medical and surgical books.
  • SpringerLink - SpringerOpen books are freely and immediately available online upon publication and are clearly labeled as 'open access.'

Please contact us to ask a question if you need more help.

Searching in E-Book finder.

You may use the library catalog to search for specific E-Books.

To narrow your result list to online items, select the Online checkbox in the KUMC Library Location filter list on the results page. You can view the book content by clicking the "Online Access" link on the record. 

Select Online filter in library catalog.

Using the Catalog

Use our catalog to search for books, journals and other materials available through the A.R. Dykes Library (Kansas City), Clendening History of Medicine Library (Kansas City) and Farha Medical Library (Wichita).

Get started by typing the title of the print or electronic book or journal in the search box on our library homepage. You can also search by Author, Subject, or ISBN/ISSN using the Advanced Search options. Click Find to view your results. You can use filters to narrow your results by Library Location, Format, Date, and more. You can always remove the filters by the 'X' next to any active filter.

The catalog will show if individual items are checked out or available. Contact library staff to place holds on items that are checked out and receive a notification when they are returned. View our policies on checking out materials for loan duration and overdue fee information.

Library Hours and Contact Info

Library Building
Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Reference Services
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

A.R. Dykes Library
Mailstop 1050
2100 W 39th Ave
Kansas City KS 66103
