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Collection Management Policy

Policies | Supporting Materials

Purposes of the Policy

  1. To create an orderly plan for collecting in the Archie Dykes Library. This involves the establishment of criteria which will facilitate future collection development;
  2. To relate the development of the Library's collection to the goals and objectives of the University of Kansas Medical Center, and to the needs of the students, faculty and staff; and
  3. To establish rational and systematic policies and procedures to ensure the wise use of state resources.

Intended Audience

  1. The faculty, staff and students who are the primary users of the Library's collections;
  2. The Dykes Library staff who are responsible for implementing decisions contained herein;
  3. Administrators at the Med Center and state level; and
  4. Any individual who is interested in the rationale behind the Library's collection.

Description of the Institution

The University of Kansas is composed of two major subdivisions; the University of Kansas-Lawrence, and the University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC). The University of Kansas Medical Center encompasses the School of Medicine in Kansas City, which offers both basic science and clinical medical education; the School of Nursing; the School of Health Professions; and the Office of Graduate Studies representing the University's Graduate School. On the Wichita campus, the organizational unit is part of the School of Medicine for clinical training in the third and fourth academic years and to residents in anesthesiology, internal medicine, pediatrics, medicine/pediatrics, psychiatry, surgery, orthopaedic surgery, radiology, family medicine, and obstetrics/gynecology. Wichita also offers fellowships in family medicine, sports medicine, and psychiatry. Community hospitals within the Wichita area provide hospital-based services for the training programs.

Unlike some state university academic health centers, not all health professions education is contained within KUMC. The School of Pharmacy is spread out among the Lawrence, Edwards and Kansas City campuses.

Eight academic departments comprise the School of Health Professions. Health Professions refers to a diverse collection of the health science fields such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory care, laboratory science, cytotechnology, molecular biotechnology, health information management, speech pathology, audiology, dietetics & nutrition, nuclear medicine, ultrasound and many other disciplines critical to patient care and the treatment of illness. More than 20 academic programs in the health sciences are available at the school and the type and nature of degrees offered is extremely diverse. Health Professions professionals comprise more than 60 percent of the entire health care work force.

Library Policies Related to the Collection

Censorship and Intellectual Freedom: The A. R. Dykes Library supports the A.L.A. Bill of Rights, Intellectual Freedom Statement and its statement on Challenged Materials. Librarians have a responsibility to ensure that the selection and availability of information materials is governed solely by professional considerations. In so doing, they should neither promote nor suppress opinions and beliefs expressed in the materials with which they deal. No library materials will be censored, restricted, removed, or have access denied to them because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval or pressure.

Copyright: The University of Kansas Medical Center (KUMC) requires its faculty, staff, and students to comply with the United States Copyright Act. Faculty, students and staff shall download, possess, or store only lawfully acquired copyrighted materials and use, adapt, distribute, or perform them only in ways consistent with the Copyright act, associated case law, the Fair Use principle, and the intellectual property rights of others. For more details, visit

Electronic Licensing: All licenses will be negotiated prior to product announcements and availability. The library adheres to the following definitions and expectations regarding licensing:

  • Authorized Users: Library's authorized users include at a minimum KUMC students, faculty, staff, and walk-ins. License terms will be negotiated to add UKSM-W and KU-Lawrence. The license will always be negotiated in advance of the resource's availability.
  • If negotiated authorized user terms cannot be agreed upon, the terms will be discussed with the liaison(s) whose program(s) may be impacted by cancelation. All use factors will be considered before deciding whether or not to continue with the license agreement.
  • Currently, the preferred method for authenticating authorized users is via IP address ranges. If this method is not feasible, individual username and password access is acceptable as long as publishers agree to that user name/password information being posted on the Intranet IP access controlled web page.

Pursuant to sections 107 and 108 of the U. S. Copyright Law of 1976, which outlines guidelines for fair use and reproduction by libraries and archives the Library should be permitted to supply through interlibrary loan a single copy of an individual document derived from the Licensed Materials via mail, fax, or by secure transmission. If Licensor forbids or restricts ILL to select patron groups, negotiated terms will be submitted to include ILL to all library patrons. If Licensor will not accept terms, the Collection Development committee and the librarians will have to decide whether or not to continue with the license agreement.

  • The purchase of electronic information should include provisions for perpetual access to that information. Agreements should clearly state archival responsibility.
  • The purchase of electronic information should permit the Library to incorporate any part of the Licensed Materials in printed Course Packs and Electronic Reserve collections without prior written permission as long as:
    • Access is restricted to Authorized Users, and
    • Any copies created for the purpose of Course Packs or electronic format are removed and deleted at the end of the term or semester in which the relevant course ends.
    • If Licensor forbids or restricts the use of licensed content for course reserves, negotiated terms will be submitted to permit such use. If negotiated authorized user terms cannot be agreed upon, the terms will be discussed with the liaison(s) whose program(s) may be impacted by cancelation. All use factors will be considered before deciding whether or not to continue with the license agreement.
    • CDD will also investigate alternative means of utilizing the resource for course availability.
  • The library investigates a variety of licensing arrangements with other Kansas libraries and consortia.

Description of the Clientele

  1. The primary clientele of the Dykes Library are the faculty, students and staff of the KU Medical Center.
  2. An important, but secondary, clientele of the Dykes Library are the staff of the University of Kansas Hospital, students, faculty and staff of the University of Kansas - Lawrence, and the other state of Kansas Regents' institutions. Other secondary clientele for the Dykes Library include regional health providers and institutions, Kansas residents, Kansas state agency employees, local educators, students and other members of the public.

Our collecting policies are written only with the interests of our primary clientele in mind.

KUMC administration has defined the access policies for the Archie Dykes Library.

Summarize Basic Principles Common to all Aspects of the Program

  1. Introduce the philosophy behind the library's collection development efforts

    The Archie Dykes Library acquires materials to support the KU Medical Center's basic functions:

    a. Education and training of health professionals.
    b. Research by faculty, staff, and students.
    c. Clinical practice and health care services.
    d. Administration of health care services and educational programs.

    This Library collects resources on topics of current interest (generally within the last three years) which specifically support the Medical Center's programs. This includes journal and serial publications, monographs and textbooks, audio-visual materials and computer software.

    The Archie Dykes Library works closely with other Medical Center Libraries to make a variety of materials available. We regularly cooperate with the Farha Library (at UKSM-W), and the Clendening Library in the History of Medicine Department. The Farha Library is responsible for supporting a medical clinical sciences curriculum for third and fourth year students, residents in various specialties, and a masters program in public health. The Clendening Library is responsible for collecting materials on history, ethics, and humanities in support of research in these areas. KUMC administration has defined the complementary roles of the Dykes and Clendening Libraries.

    Materials acquired by the Dykes Library are usually appropriate for individuals studying at a graduate level or above, practitioners in health care, or for research professionals. We do not, in ordinary practice, acquire undergraduate level materials, except for those programs which offer baccalaureate degrees.

    As a general rule, we strive to maximize the state of Kansas' investment in health sciences resources. Our monograph budget is not sufficient to purchase every item which is in scope for our collection. Choices must be made. We acquire materials of the highest possible quality which support the programs offered at the KU Medical Center, and which show the promise of substantial use.

  2. Legal and delegated responsibility for collection management

    The Director of the Archie Dykes Library is ultimately responsible for all money committed on behalf of the Library. Collection management decisions involving the allocation and commitment of state of Kansas funds and decisions involving the receipt of all gifts or donations from either individuals or institutions are the joint responsibility of the Collection Development librarian and the Associate Director.

    Responsibility for selecting and organizing monograph materials is delegated to librarians on the staff of the Archie Dykes Library based on areas of subject specialization. Each selector is responsible-within his or her area of specialization-for selecting approval materials, placing monograph firm orders, requesting appropriate journal additions and evaluating gifts. The Associate Director and the Collection Development Librarian, with input from the librarians, are responsible for selection decisions for serials.

    Faculty input is sought in all cases. Faculty are invited to submit requests (with any supporting documentation) to the Library for purchase consideration. Faculty are also encouraged to review weekly review book lists, catalogs and our approval shelves to assist and become involved in the selection process. Student input is also welcome, particularly with regard to monograph selections.

  3. Organization of the process; participants identified

    In the Archie Dykes Library, the Collection Development Librarian is responsible for managing all monograph selection activities. This includes allocating and tracking all funds available for monograph purchases, dividing all materials amongst the subject specialists, and participating in the selection processes for clinical medicine and other materials. The Collection Development Librarian is also responsible for overseeing all data gathering related to the selection or withdrawal of materials.

    The Associate Director oversees all serials selection, maintenance and management activities with the assistance of the Collection Development Librarian.

    Selection of individual titles (or packages) is the joint responsibility of the librarians working through the Associate Director or the Collection Development librarian. Negotiation and execution of licenses is the responsibility of the Associate Director with the assistance of the Head, Copyright and Document Delivery and the Library Director.

    Responsibility for selecting reference-related materials and databases and other library materials falls to the Collection Development librarian with input from the subject specialists.

    The Acquisitions Section is a part of the Technical Services Department and is managed by the Associate Director. This section is responsible for all monograph and journal ordering, relations with vendors, accounting for acquisitions money, serials check-in and claiming, and the organization of monographic and serials resources.

Summary of Cooperative Collection Development Agreements

The Dykes Library is the largest resource for health sciences literature in the state of Kansas. Also, in the states of Missouri, Iowa and Nebraska, we are the largest health sciences collection within a radius of 200 miles from Kansas City. We are a major net lender of materials to health sciences institutions within our region (Kansas, Nebraska, Missouri, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah). Our goals in reaching cooperative agreements include:

  1. Providing for access by our clientele to materials which fall outside the scope of this collection.
  2. To supplement coverage in areas which are collected at less complete levels, or to provide access to materials which are not available at that time to clientele.
  3. To fulfill our obligations to other libraries in the Regents' system of institutions, and to the libraries in the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (Midcontinental Region).
  4. To make our resources available to libraries and practitioners in the Kansas City metropolitan area.

We participate in the following formal cooperative groups:

  1. State of Kansas Regents' Universities libraries.
    • These include: University of Kansas-Lawrence, Kansas State University, Wichita State University, Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Pittsburg State University and the University of Kansas Medical Center. These institutions make available to one another ILL service without additional charge. These libraries are our primary source of non-medical materials (especially basic sciences, behavioral sciences, social sciences and technology). In turn, we are their major resource for medical materials. Our borrowing/lending activity with the University of Kansas-Lawrence is in rough balance. We are net lenders to the rest of the Regents' libraries.

General Collection Management and Development Policies

Selection of library materials involves the planned identification and review of items best-suited to strengthen Dykes Library resources for education, research, patient care, and administration. Regardless of format, selection criteria are the same - subject relevance, intellectual content, level of presentation, and reputation of author and publisher.

Selection Tools

Library staff rely upon certain selection tools in their effort to build a relevant and timely collection. These tools include but are not limited to:

  • reviews in scholarly journals or newspapers
  • approval plans through vendors
  • publishers' announcements
  • sample journal issues
  • recommendations from students, staff and faculty
  • commercial review sources (i.e. Doody's)
  • standard lists (i.e. Brandon Hill List, continuing editions)
  • catalogs of professional associations
  • stock lists from major vendors
  • catalogs of government documents
  • interlibrary loan request data

Evaluation Criteria

  1. Needs of primary clientele.
  2. Patron usage assessment: Patron usage data is evaluated internally for use in service level agreements and collection management. Data about patron usage is considered confidential and not shared or distributed.
  3. Relevance of subject.
  4. Cost-effectiveness: including availability and cost of updates, backfiles or future upgrades where appropriate. As a general rule, items priced under $100.00 receive a cursory inspection (if they are otherwise considered in scope for the collection). Items priced over $100.00 will receive a more thorough inspection to ascertain the use of related materials and the sufficiency of coverage.
  5. Scholarly and intellectual level.
  6. Language: As a general rule, the Dykes Library will acquire only materials published in English. Exceptions include multi-authored proceedings of major congresses or symposia which contain some non-English papers and major international journals which include some non-English papers.
  7. Reputation and authority of author, publisher.
  8. Confidence in producer's commitment to maintenance.
  9. Currency and validity of information and updates; materials published within the last 3 years are preferred.
  10. Access and network capacity for electronic resources: access preferably not requiring individual user ID and passwords.
  11. Uniqueness and completeness of information.
  12. Added-value and advantages over other formats.
  13. Technical ease and accessibility.
  14. Legal issues including licensing requirement and restrictions.
  15. Copyright and fair use issues.
  16. Archival issues - availability, cost, limitations, storage, etc.
  17. Availability and quality of documentation.
  18. Vendor's reliability in customer support, material availability, and quality of training programs.
  19. Availability at Regents' institution: One of the purposes of this collection development policy is to eliminate unnecessary duplication among libraries at Regents' institutions. Availability at KU-Lawrence (as well as other schools) will be checked for items which may be peripherally relevant or expensive. Intercampus sharing will allow access for all University personnel. Note that this does not necessarily make a case against acquiring an item. Instances will arise when, other things being equal, an expensive item held by another Regents' institution will still be acquired by the Dykes Library.

Guidelines by Format or Type of Material

A.R. Dykes Library collects biomedical and related information in any format necessary to meet the needs of its primary clientele.

  • Abridged Editions - Abridged editions are not collected, with the exception of English dictionaries.
  • Abstracting and Indexing Services - Major biomedical abstracting and indexing services in English which are national or international in scope are collected. Online access is preferred.
  • Academic Dissertations - The Library will generally collect only KUMC theses and dissertations and these will be collected quite selectively. The archive for KU theses (of all kinds) is in Lawrence. In rare cases, it may be necessary to purchase reproductions of non-KUMC dissertations. But since the potential use of these materials is extremely limited, individuals will be urged to purchase their own copies or use ILL.
  • Audiovisual Materials - Audiovisual materials are collected subject to the same criteria as printed materials with the following exceptions:
    • Films and filmstrips are no longer collected
    • Materials are current (production date within the last three years)
    • Only English language materials are considered
    • DVD is the preferred format for video materials; videocassettes, when needed, should be 1/2" format. These materials should be reviewed every five years for currency and physical condition.
  • Bibliographies - Bibliographies are no longer collected except in rare circumstances due to the wealth of such information online.
  • Catalogs - Most catalogs are no longer collected due to availability of information online. Some publishers' catalogs are acquired for temporary use in acquisitions activities, but are not retained.
  • Congresses, Conferences, and Symposia - Proceedings and symposia reports are acquired very selectively (usually in response to a faculty request). Otherwise, we will not purchase these materials.
  • Diagnostic Guides - These materials are developed for use by practitioners on the wards. The Library prefers to concentrate its resources on major reference materials in the health care fields. Therefore, these materials will not be acquired.
  • Dictionaries - Substantial English dictionaries in most biomedical subjects will be acquired. Selected areas in the physical and social sciences may be added as needed. Substantial English foreign language dictionaries will be acquired for those languages in which biomedical literature often occurs. Monolingual foreign language dictionaries are not acquired. The latest edition of a general dictionary should be in reference, a previous edition in the stacks and all others discarded.
  • Directories - Directories will be collected for international and U.S. notables (Who's Who); international and U.S. scientists; and major biomedical societies and associations. Primary emphasis will be on local, state, and U.S. organizations. Selected directories of international organizations may also be acquired. Unless some potential historical importance is exhibited, only the most current editions will be kept.
  • Drug Sources - Materials on the action, dosage, contraindications, and properties of drugs will be acquired for Reference. Major American drug handbooks will be acquired, as well as encyclopedic English language drug resource materials from foreign countries. Foreign pharmacopoeias will be acquired based on demand. Older editions of official U.S. drug compendia and other sources providing substantive content of potential historic usefulness will be kept. Other materials will be kept based on demand, usefulness, and accuracy.
  • Electronic Materials - The library collects electronic materials that are current and in scope. Decisions to acquire will be based on traditional selection criteria as well as cost, service implications, and necessary technical support. They will be retained as long as they are useful and cost-effective.
  • Ephemera - Ephemeral items such as newspaper clippings, fact sheets, etc. are not collected.
  • Encyclopedias - Access to current general interest encyclopedias is online. Authoritative encyclopedias in biomedical sciences will be available in reference. Encyclopedias in the general sciences and social sciences will be acquired as needed. Older editions of the scientific encyclopedias will be kept if they are accurate and useful.
  • Examination Guides - Examination guides which are produced to aid KUMC students in the health sciences preparing for specialty or board exams are collected only in English and only if they are published by major medical publishers or major professional organizations. Retain the current edition of exam review books, study guides, and synopses; discard older editions.
  • Government Publications - Substantial U.S. or Kansas government publications dealing with biomedical research, health, and health care delivery will be collected. Health related reference materials, such as statistical compilations from governmental agencies, committees, or departments are acquired. Legislative hearing, committee prints, legislative bills, minor documents, or government publications from other countries or states are rarely acquired, unless there is a special need. No separate government publication collection is maintained. All government publications are integrated into the regular collection.
  • Handbooks - Tables of biomedical data published in handbook form are a valuable resource for information. The major biomedical handbooks will be acquired, as well as selected physical and social science handbooks. Older editions of handbooks will be kept if they are still accurate and useful. Personal, "pocket-sized" handbooks are not collected.
  • Health Education/Patient Education Materials - Health education materials are materials used to educate the health consumer generally in matters of health and self-care or self-help. Patient education materials are health education materials specifically designed for persons suffering from a particular disease or disorder. These kinds of materials are not collected, though some general works, directories and sourcebooks may be collected selectively.
  • Imprint Variants - Materials which are published in two or more places in the same language are collected in a single imprint only, with U.S. edition preferred.
  • Journals - see Serials
  • Legislative Materials - Compendia of legislative or judicial law, restricted to health-related sections when possible, are acquired for Kansas and the U.S. In general, only those laws and rulings currently in effect are kept.
  • Leisure Reading Material - The Dykes Library purchases the local newspaper and two national newspapers (currently the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal). No other library funds are used to purchase leisure materials.
  • Library Staff Materials - Section heads and other library staff may request materials for purchase which will be located in their offices. Final selection will be made by the Collection Development Librarian and the appropriate subject specialist, and all materials acquired in this way will be listed in the Online Catalog and be made available to the Library's clientele.
  • Looseleaf Publications - Looseleaf publications are rarely collected.
  • Manuals - Laboratory manuals will be collected very selectively, and only if procedural details and techniques are explained. Procedural manuals of health departments, medical departments, hospitals, pharmacies, and other organizations in the health sciences will generally not be collected. Operating manuals for use with a specific company's equipment will not be collected. Computer software manuals are acquired when we acquire software.
  • Maps, Graphs, Charts, Posters - Individually issued items are not collected. The library does, however, collect a world atlas.
  • Medical Atlases - Medical atlases detailing procedures and techniques are collected.
  • Meetings - see Congresses, Conferences, Symposia
  • Microforms - Microform is not collected.
  • Models - Three dimensional models are collected as needed.
  • Monographic Series - Monographic series are book-like materials which are received on standing order and are treated like periodicals in our collection. The Dykes Library places very few standing orders for monographic series. We prefer to acquire individual volumes from a series based on content and need.
  • Monographs - Dykes Library collects major monographs covering the current practice of medicine, nursing, and those health professions fields represented at KUMC as well as other programs at the Medical Center. For details on collection levels by subject, see the section titled, Collecting Levels// Collecting levels by LC/NLM subdivision. Items for which heavy use is anticipated should be purchased in hardcover when available.
  • Newsletters - These serial type publications are usually ephemeral and are not acquired by the Dykes Library.
  • Newspapers - The Dykes Library purchases the local newspaper and two national newspapers (currently the New York Times and The Wall Street Journal). They are retained only for a few days.
  • Pamphlets - These materials are also ephemeral and are not routinely acquired by the Library.
  • Personal Narratives - The library does not collect personal narratives unless they are of local interest.
  • Popular Works - Contemporary popular health-related books, journals, etc., published for a nonprofessional readership are not collected, even though the author may be a health professional. These materials are available at public libraries.
  • Portraits, Prints, and Photographs - Portraits, prints, and photographs are not collected.
  • Proceedings see Congresses, Conferences, Symposia
  • Programmed Texts - These materials are designed to be consumed by the user, and are not reusable. The Library will not collect these items.
  • Promotional Materials - Commercial product and service advertising materials and literature used in fund-raising appeals are not collected.
  • Reprints - Reprinted editions of monographs and serials may be collected if the Library lacks the original, if the Library's original is in poor condition or if it is too rare or valuable to lend, if an added copy of the work is needed, or if the reprint contains significant new introductory material or new text which is lacking in the original edition. Collected reprints of original journal articles are usually not acquired, but exceptions may be made if the collections are on health-related subjects from journals not available in the Library. Reprint collection of the writings of a particular institution of organization will not be purchased. Reprints of single journal articles are not collected.
  • Serials - Relevant, high-quality, peer-reviewed, substantive and scholarly serial publications in English will be collected. The electronic format is generally preferred to print. Titles indexed in MEDLINE, CINAHL, Psychological Abstracts and Science Citation Index receive the highest consideration.
  • Software - Electronic and instructional media selections are based on compatibility with library software and hardware, security restrictions, license and copyright compliance, and accessibility. The library will selectively add electronic and instructional media materials that accompany titles in other formats.
  • Standards - The library does not attempt to collect standards; however, it does acquire some guidelines and indexes of standards related to health, health care, and health practice.
  • Statistics - Publications from U.S. government agencies or international bodies containing significant statistical compilations of data on health care, morbidity and morality, and socio-economic factors related to health or disease will be acquired. Reports which are primarily statistical data will be placed in Reference, while reports which are primarily narrative discussion will be placed in the general collection. Most substantial statistical data have potential historical usefulness, so should be kept indefinitely.
  • Stress Management Materials - A small amount of money is allocated occasionally to the Stress management collection. These resources are usually selected by the reference librarians. These materials are intended to cover a variety of topics in the self-improvement literature of interest to students, including stress management, time management, and study techniques and creativity.
  • Syllabi and Course Outlines - These publications are not collected.
  • Symposia see Congresses, Conferences, Symposia
  • Tests - The library does not collect tests.
  • Textbooks - Textbooks supporting the professional education of KUMC biomedical students and personnel are collected in English.
  • Translations - Translation into English of major publications will be acquired selectively, based on their importance. Translations of single journal articles will not be collected. Cover-to-cover translations of major foreign journals may be acquired, based on their importance. With the exception of Reference titles, translated monographs will not be collected.
  • Unpublished Materials - Manuscript materials are not collected.
  • Workbooks - These materials are designed to be consumed by the user, and are not reusable. The Library will not collect these items.

General Collection Management Issues in the Dykes Library

  1. Preservation and Conservation: Binding is a major means of preservation in that it reduces wear, simplifies handling, and reduces loss. Materials are identified for binding by members of the library staff. Preservation and conservation activities are under the direction of the Associate Director and the bindery technician. At the present time, preservation activities consist of binding, rebinding and tipping in pages. Commercial binding is sent out once every 2 weeks. Preservation and conservation is also accomplished in conjunction with the Clendening Library, by transfer of materials into the historical collection according to criteria established in this document.
  2. Weeding: Weeding is an important part of the management of collections. Deselection, or weeding, is the careful elimination from the collection of unwanted or unnecessary materials that accumulate over time. This is done not only to conserve valuable space, but more importantly to increase the value or usefulness of the collection (and, concomitantly, to increase circulation of existing resources). A collection is difficult to use when one must sift through large amounts of irrelevant, outdated materials.
  3. Storage: The Dykes Library has sufficient room to grow into the foreseeable future.
  4. Replacement: The decision to replace a lost or missing item will be made by the Associate Director, Collection Management or the Collection Development Librarian. If the item is still available for purchase, the desirability of replacement will be the deciding factor. Older books which contain superseded information make poor candidates for replacement. In these cases, a newer book should be purchased instead. Because of their heavier use in biomedicine, more effort will go into replacing lost journals volumes.
  5. Multiple copies: Because some books or journals are either very popular, or are used as required reading, a single copy may be difficult to locate in the Library. To meet this demand, the Library will selectively purchase multiple copies of high demand items. Multiple copy purchases will be restricted to only one or two additional copies. The decision to add additional copies will be made by the librarians within their respective selection areas. Multiple subscriptions to journals will no longer be acquired. Most of the major periodical titles are now online, which obviates the need for multiple subscriptions.
  6. Gifts and Donations: Currently, there are three separate Gift/Donation policies and none has been designated as official. They are; the draft from KU Libraries policy, the draft proposed by the librarians in 2006, the draft proposed by Assoc. Director in 2007. (The old statement read: The Library welcomes gifts from its clientele, but reserves the right to use or discard materials as it sees fit. Decisions will be made by the subject specialists. The Library cannot assign a value to material donations. However, we will provide donors with a letter of acknowledgement.)

KUMC Collection Management Policy

Collecting Levels// Collecting Level by LC/NLM Subdivision
Call Number
Collecting Level
BF 1-1000 Psychology D
H Social Sciences in General D
HA Statistics

Note: The Library only collects materials in this area that deal with biomedical statistics.
HB Economic Theory E
HD 4801-8942 Labor E
HF 1-4050 Commerce
5001-6351 Business
HM Sociology: General Works, Theory E
HQ Family, Marriage, Woman, Sexual Life D
HV Social Pathology, Welfare, Criminology E
KF Law: U. S. (Federal) D
LC 4001-4040 Special Education
4601-4815 Special Education
Q Science (General) E
QD 1-69 Chemistry (General)
71-145 Analytical Chemistry
146-199 Inorganic Chemistry
241-449 Organic Chemistry
450-731 Physical & Theoretical Chemistry
901-999 Crystallography
QH 1-199 Natural History (General)
201-278 Microscopy
301-705 Biology (General)
QL 1-355 Zoology (General)
362-739 Invertebrate & Vertebrate Zoology
750-991 Ethology, Anatomy, Embryology
QS Human Anatomy
1-132 Anatomy
504-539 Histology
604-679 Embryology

QT Physiology
1-35 General
104-172 Human Physiology
180-275 Physiology & Hygiene

QU Biochemistry B
QV Pharmacology
1-370 General
600-667 Toxicology
701-835 Pharmacology & Pharmaceutics

QW Microbiology & Immunology
1-300 Microbiology
501-949 Immunology

QX Parasitology C
QY Clinical Pathology
1-350 General
400-490 Blood

QZ Pathology B
SF Animal Culture, Veterinary Medicine, etc. D
T Technology - General E
W Medical Profession
1-96 General
100-275 Medical, Dental, and Pharmaceutical Service Plans
322-323 Other Medical Service
601-925 Forensic Medicine and Dentistry

WA Public Health
1-106 General
108-245 Preventive Medicine B
250-292 Prevention of Accident and of injury
300-395 Health Problems of Special Population Groups
400-495 Occupational Health and Hygiene. Industrial Medicine
525-590 Health Administration and Organization
670-847 Sanitation and Environmental Control
900-950 Statistics and Surveys

WB Practice of Medicine
1-135 General
141-293 General Diagnosis
300-962 Therapeutics

WC Communicable Diseases B
WD 100 Nutrition Disorders
200 Metabolic Diseases
300 Immunologic Diseases. Hypersensitivity. Collagen Diseases
400 Animal Poisoning
500 Plant Poisoning
600 Diseases and Injuries caused by Physical Agents
700 Aviation and Space Medicine
WE Musculoskeletal System
1-190 General
200-600 By Tissue
700-890 By Region

WF Respiratory System
1-900 General
970-985 Thorax and Thoracic Surgery

WG Cardiovascular System
1-170 General
200-460 Heart
500-700 Blood Vessels

WH Hemic and Lymphatic System B
WI Gastrointestinal System
1-250 General
300-387 Stomach
400-575 Intestines
600-650 Anus and Rectum
700-770 Liver and Biliary Tract
800-820 Pancreas
900-970 Abdomen and Abdominal Surgery

WJ Urogenital System
1-190 General
300-378 Kidney
400 Ureter
500-504 Bladder
600 Urethra
700-875 Male Genitalia

WK Endocrine System
1-190 General
200-280 Thyroid Glands
300 Parathyroid Glands
350 Pineal Body
400 Thymus Gland
500-590 Pituitary Gland
700-790 Adrenal Glands
800-885 Islands of Langerhans
900-920 Gonads

WL Nervous System
1-225 General
300-405 Central Nervous System
500-544 Peripheral Nerves
600-610 Autonomic Nervous System
700-710 Sense Organs

WM Psychiatry B
WN Radiology
1-160 General
200-240 Radiography
250 Radiotherapy
300-340 Radium
415-650 Radioactivity

WO Surgery
1-64 General
100-149 General Surgery
162-198 Surgical Procedure and Armamentarium
200-460 Anesthesia
500-517 Operative Surgery and Surgical Technics
600-640 Plastic Surgery
660-690 Transplantation
700-820 Traumatic, Industrial, and Emergency Surgery
925-950 Surgery in Special Age Groups

WP Gynecology
1-390 General
400-480 Uterus and Cervix Uteri
505-660 Physiology and Functional Disturbances
800-910 Breast

WQ Obstetrics
1-175 General
200-260 Pregnancy
300-330 Labor
400-450 Obstetrical Surgery
500-505 Puerperium

WR Dermatology B
WS Pediatrics
1-141 General
200-463 Diseases of Children

WT Geriatrics. Chronic Disease
1-33 General
100-150 Geriatrics
500 Chronic Disease

Note: The Library's collection in geriatrics specializes in the biomedical aspects of aging: the biochemistry of aging, physical conditions in the elderly, health care delivery to the elderly, etc.

WU Dentistry. Oral Surgery
1-290 General
300-360 Operative Dentistry
400-440 Orthodontics
480-490 Age Groups
500-530 Prosthodontics
600-640 Oral Surgery

WV Otorhinolaryngology
1-180 General
200-290 Ear
300-358 Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
400-440 Pharyngeal Region
500-540 Larynx

WW Ophthalmology
1-100 General
101-170 Eye
202-290 Parts of the Eye
300-320 Refraction and Errors of Refraction
350-358 Corrective Devices
400-460 Neuromuscular Mechanism
475-480 Problems Associated with Eye Diseases
505-525 Industrial and Traumatic Ophthalmology
600-620 Age Groups
704-722 Optometry

WX Hospital and Other Heath Facilities
1-147 General
150-190 Hospital Administration
200-265 Clinical Departments and Units

WY Nursing
1-100.5 General
101-145 Special Fields in Nursing
150-164 Nursing Technics [sic] in Special Fields of Medicine
191-200 Other Nursing Services
300 By Country

WZ History of Medicine
1-40 General
51-80 History, by Period, Locality, etc.
100-150 Bibliography
220-294 Early Printed Books
305-350 Miscellany Relating to Medicine, Dentistry, Psychiatry, etc.

Z 116-550 Printing E
Z 551-661 Copyright, Intellectual Property E
Z 662-1000 Libraries: Library Science B*
Z 1001-1121 Bibliography, General E
Z 5056-8999 Subject and Personal Bibliography: Other **
Z (NLM) ***

* Collecting in this area is limited to medical librarianship.
** Bibliographies representing LC subject classes are here. These bibliographies are collected at the same level as the base LC subject class.
*** In the NLM classification, bibliographies are handled by placing a Z before the NLM class letters, e.g., ZWI for a bibliography in gastroenterology. Bibliographies are collected at the same level as the base NLM subject class.

The Archie Dykes Library uses an analysis of its collecting practices based on the conspectus approach developed by the American Library Association. The collecting codes are adapted from ALA's by the Medical Library Association, and printed in the Handbook of Medical Library Practice (Chicago, MLA, 1983). This section is an outline of the subject areas collected by the Library. The outline uses Library of Congress (LC) and National Library of Medicine (NLM) classification numbers. For every subject, there is a corresponding code indicating the current level of collecting for that subject. The explanation of these codes is given below. When necessary, a note is added to a subject area to clarify collection boundaries.

Collecting codes

A = Comprehensive level
A collection in which a library endeavors, so far as is reasonably possible, to include all significant works of recorded knowledge (publications, manuscripts, other forms) for a defined field. This level of collecting intensity is that which maintains a "special collection"; the aim, if not the achievement, is exhaustiveness.

B = Research level
A collection which includes the major published source materials required for dissertations and independent research, including materials containing research reporting new findings, scientific experimental results, and other information useful to researchers. It also includes all important reference works and a wide selection of specialized monographs, as well as an extensive collection of journals and major indexing and abstracting services in the field.

C = Study level
A collection which supports undergraduate or graduate coursework, or sustained independent study; that is, which is adequate to maintain knowledge of a subject required for limited or generalized purposes, of less than research intensity. It includes a wide range of basic monographs, complete collections of the works of important writers, selections from the works of secondary writers, a selection of representative journals, and the reference tools and fundamental bibliographical apparatus pertaining to the subject.

D = Basic level
A highly selective collection which serves to introduce and define the subject and to indicate the varieties of information available elsewhere. It includes major dictionaries and encyclopedias, selected editions of important works, historical surveys, important bibliographies, and a few major periodicals in the field.

E = Minimal level
A subject area in which few selections are made beyond very basic works.

Developed by:

Robert A. Pisciotta, MA, Former Associate Director and
Deborah Carman, MLS, Collection Development Librarian

EDITION: 09/2009 As Adopted By Information Resources Committee 09-03-2009

Library Hours and Contact Info

Library Building
Monday – Friday 7:30 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Saturday – Sunday 5 p.m. – 10 p.m.

Reference Services
Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

A.R. Dykes Library
Mailstop 1050
2100 W 39th Ave
Kansas City KS 66103
