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Diane M. Cibrik, MD, MS

Diane Cibrik portrait
Professor, Transplant Nephrology, Nephrology and Hypertension

Medical Director of Kidney & Pancreas Transplantation, Medical Director of Kidney & Pancreas Transplantation, SOM-Kansas City, Nephrology and Hypertension

Professional Background

Medical Director, Kidney and Pancreas Transplant Program
Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology and Hypertension

M.D. - Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine
Research Nephrology Fellowship - Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

Clinical Nephrology Fellowship - Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine

M.S. in Clinical Research Design and Statistical Analysis - University of Michigan, Ann Arbor



Research Focus: Transplant outcomes and pharmaceutical research. The effect of gender on allograft outcome. New drug development and pharmacokinetics in transplantation.

Dr. Cibrik came to KU Medical Center from the University of Michigan, where she was Medical Director of Pancreas Transplantation, Medical Director of Renal Transplant Clinical Trials, and Transplant Nephrology Fellowship Director.
She has been principal investigator on many transplant clinical trials and a member of numerous advisory boards. She is currently tne PI on the phase I/II CFZ533 study by Novartis. As a member of the American Society of Transplantation, she has served on several committees, including the American Transplant Congress planning committee from 2012-2015.

Dr. Cibrik has mentored numerous fellows and faculty and welcomes the opportunity to work with young faculty in developing their careers.