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Dima Soultan, MSc, DABR

Dima Soultan portrait
Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology

Professional Background

Dima received her Bachelor of Mechanical Nuclear Engineering from the University of Aleppo-Syria. After graduation, she pursued her interest in the applications of nuclear engineering in medicine at the European Organization of Nuclear Research CERN and ESMP - Switzerland andamp; France, followed by an internship in Nuclear Medicine at the Fredrich Alexander University Hospital, Erlangen and another internship in Radiotherapy at University Medical Center, Mannheim-Germany. Dima earned her Master of Science in Medical Physics from San Diego State University while conducting her graduate research at Moores Cancer Center at the University of California - San Diego. She completed her Radiotherapy Medical Physics Residency at KUMC and joined the physics team after graduation.

Education and Training
  • BS, Nuclear Engineering, University of Aleppo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aleppo
  • MS, Medical Radiological Sciences, San Diego State University , San Diego, CA
  • Residency, Medical Physics-Radiation Therapy , University of Kansas Cancer Center, Kansas City, Kansas
Licensure, Accreditations & Certifications
  • AMP Radioactive Material License , NRC
  • Kansas X-ray Service Provider Registration, KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT
  • Qualified Expert in Radiation Safety, Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services
Professional Affiliations
  • European Society of Radiotherapy , Member, 2018 - Present
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine , Member, 2015 - Present