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Courtney S. Rhudy, MD

Courtney Rhudy portrait
Associate Professor, General & Hospital Medicine

Professional Background

Every person and situation has something to teach us.

My areas of interest include the medically complex adult patient, and caring for these complex patients in the setting of an electronic health record. I have focused primarily on clinical, or bedside teaching, and have also taught formal courses over the years.

Early in my career, I taught several standard lectures to third year medical students in the former Ambulatory Medicine clerkship. I facilitated small-group learning sessions for this course, and updated its curriculum and exam content.

Regarding resident education, I have delivered formal lectures as well as facilitated small-group discussions. I continue to facilitate discussions related to an ambulatory didactic curriculum on a monthly basis. I served as a “core faculty member” in the Internal Medicine residency program, assisting with educational content decisions and delivery. I served as a resident clinic site director in the General Internal Medicine clinic, overseeing the delivery of weekly ambulatory clinic didactic sessions.

Currently, I supervise four internal medicine residents on a regular basis, educating them at the bedside, as well as through these small-group didactic discussions.

Clinic, General Internal Medicine Clinic. Outpatient General Internal Medicine Primary care clinic. (2015 - 2016)

Education and Training
  • MD, Medicine, Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA
  • Residency, Internal Medicine, University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, KS
Licensure, Accreditations & Certifications
  • Board Certification, American Board of Internal Medicine
  • Clinical Informatics Board Certification, American Board of Preventive Medicine