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Brent Rogers, Ph.D., DABR

Brent Rogers portrait
Clinical Assistant Professor, Radiation Oncology

Professional Background

Dr. Brent Joyner Rogers graduated from the University of Minnesota in 2020 with a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Medical Physics. Before that, he received a Master of Science degree in Medical Physics from the University of Minnesota and a Master of Science degree from the University of Missouri – Kansas City. Dr. Rogers joined the University of Kansas Medical Center in September of 2022 as the lead medical physicist for the University of Kansas Cancer Center – North Community Site.

Education and Training
  • PhD, Medical Physics, University of Minnesota
  • MS, Medical Physics, University of Minnesota
  • MS, Physics, University of Missouri - Kansas City
  • BA, Admistration, Park University
Professional Affiliations
  • American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Member, 2021 - Present
  • American Brachytherapy Society, Member, 2021 - Present

  • Rogers, B., J, Lawrence, J, Chmura, J, Ehler, E, Ferreira, C. 2020. Dosimetric Characterization of a Novel 90Y Source for use in the Conformal Superficial Brachytherapy Device. Physica Medica, 72, 52-59
  • Chmura, J, Erdman, A, Ehler, E, Lawrence, J, Wilke, C., T., Rogers, B., J., Ferreira, C. 2019. Novel Design and Development of a 3D- Printed Conformal Superficial Brachytherapy Device for the Treatment of Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer and Keloids. 3D Printing in Medicine, 5 (10), 1-6
  • Rogers, B., J, Lawrence, J, Ehler, E, Ferreira, C. 2019. Impact of Various Irradiation Conditions on Delivered Dose and Cell Viability for In Vitro Cell Irradiation. Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 5 (6), 1-7
  • Hoshor, C., B, Oakes, T., M, Myers, E., R, Rogers, B., J, Currie, J., E, Young, S., M, Caruso, A., N. 2015. A Portable and Wide Energy Range Semiconductor-based Neutron Spectrometer. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment (803), 68-81