External Scholarship Opportunities
Here are some external scholarship opportunities to help you attend the University of Kansas Medical Center.
Kansas Adult Learner Grant
Bachelor's degree, Kansas resident, at least 25 years old and at least half-time students. Must file the FAFSA and meet income requirements. The recipient agrees to live and work in Kansas for two years after graduation. Awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. See Kansas Board of Regents for more information.
Kansas Hero’s Scholarship
A waiver which provides an opportunity for eligible dependents and spouses of certain deceased/disabled public safety officers and military personnel to attend an eligible public Kansas postsecondary educational institution without payment of tuition and required fees. The student will be responsible for all other charges associated with the student’s academic program. This waiver is only available for undergraduate coursework.
Kansas Military Service Scholarship
Pays undergraduate tuition and fees for Kansas residents who either received 90 days of hostile fire pay or who has received honorable discharge from military service.
Kansas National Guard Educational Assistance
Pays a percentage of tuition and fees for undergraduate or certificate coursework for members of the Kansas Air/National Guard.
Kansas Nurse Educator Service Scholarship
A program designed to encourage graduate-level nursing students who agree to teach in a nurse education program at a Kansas Postsecondary education institution. Contact the KU School of Nursing for additional information.
Kansas Nursing Service Scholarship
A scholarship designed to encourage enrollment in nursing programs by Kansans committed to practicing in Kansas. See Kansas Board of Regents for more information
Kansas State Scholarship
A scholarship for Kansas residents who receive State Scholar designation in their senior year of high school. See Kansas Board of Regents for more information
Kansas Comprehensive Grant
A grant available to needy undergraduate Kansas residents.