Loan Repayment Information
Get information on current interest rates, loan repayment options, loan servicers, payment calculators and tracking loans and obtaining verifications through the National Student Clearinghouse.
Interest Rates
Interest rates vary by the type of federal loan. Get current rates.
Loan Repayment Options
There are many loan repayment options through Direct Loans. Visit Direct Loans and learn more about the following options available. Or go to the Loan Simulator and search for a loan repayment strategy. If you borrowed a Perkins Loan from KU in Lawrence or KU Medical Center, your Perkins Loans history from KU Med is ESCI and our school code is 2p. If you borrowed a KU Endowment Association Loan, your loan history is at ESCI and the school code is L6. If you have private loans from a private lender or school, make sure to check out that lender's website. If you are not sure who you borrowed from, you can find it on your credit report.
Loan History
View your federal student loan history on the Federal Student Aid website. Private loans and Endowment loans are not included.
Loan Servicers
List of Loan Servicing Centers for students
Loan Payment Calculator
To estimate the amount of your monthly loan payment you can use the Loan Simulator to assist you with figuring out your monthly payment after graduation.
Direct Loan Consolidation
Loan consolidation is the process of combining multiple student or parent loans into one new loan with a new repayment term, interest rate and monthly payment. Visit Direct Loan Consolidation for more information on loan consolidation.
Loan Consolidation Calculator
You can also use the Loan Simulator to assist with comparing monthly payments, interest rates and the total cost of your current loans with the monthly payment, interest rates and total cost of a consolidation loan.
National Student Clearinghouse
The National Student Clearinghouse offers services to assist students to track their student loans and obtain verification on their in-school status. For more information visit the National Student Clearinghouse. If you have questions about your enrollment status contact the Office of the Registrar. The National Student Clearinghouse is for student loan tracking purposes only.
For more information, contact the Office of Student Financial Aid at 913-588-5170 or email