About Medical Student Tuition and Fees
Medical students are assessed a minimum of eight semesters of full tuition even if the student completes the degree requirements before their anticipated graduation date.
Tuition and Fee Assessment
Medical students are assessed tuition every fall and spring semester, regardless of the credit hour load enrolled.
- Required campus fees are assessed every semester that a student is enrolled.
- All medical students are assessed a required tablet fee in the first year.
- Certain course fees are assessed during the first and second year.
- A smart phone fee is charged in the third and fourth year (Kansas City students only).
The current tuition and fees amounts are posted. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.
Need to grant access to someone to pay tuition and fees?
Students who would like parents, significant others or someone else to have the ability to view KU Medical Center information, including class schedules, grades, bills, financial aid and tax information, can give access through our "Delegate" assignment process.
Leave of Absence
Consult with your student affairs office about leave of absences (LOA) in terms of re-entry into the program. The university does not have an official leave status that is reported to lenders. Depending on the length of your LOA, you might need to make arrangements with your lenders in terms of repayment and deferments.
Withdrawing from School
- If a medical student drops all of their current and future classes at anytime during the semester and is not on LOA, they are not considered an enrolled student.
- In order for a medical student to avoid any tuition and required campus fee charges for a semester, the student must be dropped from all courses before the first day of the first classes.
- If the student completes a course(s) and then is going to be withdrawn from future courses for the semester, the amount of tuition is adjusted for courses that have not started by the following formula:
(Number of Weeks Completed/Total number of weeks in the semester)*Semiannual Tuition - If the student completely withdraws from medical school after the first day of a course, the formula above is used to calculate the refunded tuition for the courses that have not been started and tuition is adjusted for the course that was started based on the university's refund policy.
- Any tuition charges assessed due to withdrawing from school are in addition to the full eight semesters of tuition that a medical student is assessed for students that complete a M.D. degree.
Enrollment Beyond the Regular Four Academic Years
Non-Evaluated Track (NET) Category
- During Phase I of the curriculum, the Academic Committee may assign a student to the NET category for the spring semester.
- The student is assessed ½ of the semiannual tuition amount for the spring semester regardless of when they are placed into the NET category.
- A student who spends a semester as a NET student will be assessed a total of 9 ½ semesters of tuition as long as they complete the program in five years.
Clinical Rotations after the Regular Four Academic Years
If a student enrolls in additional clinical rotations, in addition to what is minimally required for graduation after being assessed eight semesters of tuition, the student is assessed a modular rate for additional rotations.
Summer Enrollment During Years M1 and M2
First- and second-year medical students may repeat a course during the summer semester with permission from the School of Medicine Associate Dean of Student Affairs in order to stay in phase with the curriculum. The student is charged a per-credit-hour rate for the number of hours enrolled.
Waiving of Tuition
- Full tuition for a semester is waived only when a medical student has been assessed at least eight semesters of tuition and has not repeated a course.
- If a student does not fail a course but has to repeat the course for whatever reason, the full semester tuition is assessed.
- If tuition is waived for a semester, the student is assessed the full required campus fees.
Need Assistance?
We are always here to help you navigate tuition and fees. Contact the Registrar's Office at 913-588-7055 or kumcregistrar@kumc.edu.