Students Called to Active Duty
Military duty may call after you have registered for classes. We will help ease your leave from the university and facilitate your return.
Leaving for Military Duty
Students serving in the National Guard or Reserves, as well as those drafted, who are called to active duty during an academic term are eligible for an approved leave of absence.
- Obtain an official Leave of Absence from your respective school.
- A signed copy must be presented to the Registrar's Office, along with the following:
- A copy of your military orders
- Forwarding address(es)
- Name, address and phone number of a contact or your representative
- Your name as it appears on your KU Medical Center records
- Your student ID number
- A signed copy must be presented to the Registrar's Office, along with the following:
- Contact your academic advisor. Discuss your leave with your advisor so that you can work on a plan for your return. You or your advisor should also notify, in writing, each of your instructors. Provide your advisor and your instructors reasonable notice if at all possible. If you need assistance contacting your department or if your deployment time does not allow for a meeting, let us know and we can assist.
- Contact your VA School Certifying Official (SCO)
You will need to submit to your SCO a completed Active Military Duty Request to Withdraw Form (pdf) as well as a copy of your military orders once they have been served. Your SCO, along with the Registrar's Office, will be able to withdraw you from your classes as necessary and will update your VA benefits certification for the semester.- The Registrar's Office will not be able to complete your request to withdraw until a copy of your military orders have been received.
University Policies
- Money and fees: A 100% adjustment in tuition and fees will be made for withdrawn classes. Partial refunds will be given when it is appropriate to award credit for some classes and not for others. Note: Refund checks will be sent to your forwarding address. For faster refunds, sign up for direct deposit. Contact Parking Services for information on your parking permit.
- Transcript: The schedule published in the standard academic calendar will be used to determine whether the courses are canceled or whether a "W" will be recorded on your transcript. There will be no record of the reason for your cancelation or withdrawal. You will be able to document the date of your service via your military records.
- Grading/Incompletes: These decisions are made by the faculty on the basis of the work done to date and the rules governing the course. If you have any difficulties, contact the Dean's office in your school.
- Financial Aid: You may elect to have your SCO contact Financial Aid for you, or you may want to contact Financial Aid yourself, especially if you have questions regarding your aid. Financial Aid will make adjustments to your aid package according to their guidelines.
- Readmission: Contact your SCO when you are ready to return to KU Medical Center. They will assist you with the readmission process in any way they can. If you withdraw after classes start and do not return the semester immediately following your discharge from active duty, you may be required to reapply for admission. Contact your school for details.
Need assistance?
We are always here to help you navigate your active duty leave. Contact the Registrar's Office at 913-588-7055 or
Need Assistance?
We are always here to help you navigate your active duty leave. Contact the Registrar's Office at 913-588-7055 or