The Admissions Office supports the application process for KU Medical Center.
Online Admissions Resources
- Guide to KU Medical Center academic programs. Prospective students should contact their program or department of interest before beginning the application process.
- KU Medical Center admissions application. You can create an account and do not have to finish the application all at once. After you have applied, you may sign in to your account to check the status of your application, send reminder emails to recommenders and view your admissions decision.
- Residency requirements for tuition and fees
- Tuition and fees
In the online application, you will have the opportunity to attach unofficial copies of your transcripts. However, you also will need to submit official copies before you can be fully accepted to the university. Check with your program to see when in the application process you will need to submit your transcripts. These official transcripts should be sent directly to the department to which you are applying. Please check your program's website for mailing addresses and further instructions. Program contact information is also available in the online application.
Doctor of Medicine applicants should send their transcripts directly to School of Medicine Admissions.
Academic Accommodations Services
Access to education is one key to opening doors to mainstream society to people with disabilities. KU Medical Center is fully committed to complying with the laws regarding equal opportunity for all qualified students with disabilities. We promote the full participation of all qualified students in all aspects of campus life and make reasonable accommodations as are necessary and appropriate to eliminate discrimination or disadvantage on the basis of disability from our programs and activities.
Students who believe they may need accommodations are encouraged to contact the Academic Accommodations Services Office.
Contact Admissions
The Office of Admissions is located on the ground floor of Dykes Library in room G035. Contact us by email or by calling 913-945-7347.